
i can't get to the damn article, but i've visited pioneer woman for years, mainly for her recipes. i thought her writing up the story of how she ended up married to her husband was quite entertaining and you know you can't wait to see reese witherspoon play her in the movie version. they may be country but these folks

i just dressed up as patsy for a costume party last weekend, my friend was edina... this couldn't be more timely. SO. EXCITED.

gah, this was my ex boyfriend... so not romantical...

I left that world after less than a year because the median age at my engineering and construction company was probably about 55. While I was there, I primarily worked with two men who were both 70. Yes, 70. Apparently, these two don't know when to retire. I was probably one of ten people who were under 40.

yeah, but kids in korea and japan kill themselves all the time because of these tests, and why should one test possibly decide the fate of your future?

I Know This Much Is True is my favorite book!

ok, and it's gone again. ok gawker redesign, please fix this bug.

oh look at that, it magically just showed up.

if i switch to blog view and i scroll all the way to the bottom, there's no links to gawker/deadspin/kotaku, etc so that i can easily and swiftly click over to gawker. major ui fail. please fix, ok, thanks! and yeah, i agree, this redesign was targeted to tablet users. and last time i checked, the vast majority of us

this collins tuohy pic looks like a weird hybrid of bristol palin and natalie portman... weird...

omg i saw this last night and i was like what the hell is this? is that a STORK? holding a BABY with its beak? and i can only go see the eiffel tower if i'm not knocked up?

my best friend's husband died yesterday from pneumonia caused by fucking H1 fucking N1. FUCK.

bad santa and scrooged. the end of scrooged makes me cry every single time, dammit!

when i was in grad school at UT austin, in my civil engineering building, there were women's rooms only on every other floor. GOOD TIMES!

@GoZombieGo: as it's been commented, about half of asians (and i'm speaking of eastern asian like korean, chinese, japanese, etc) are born with the folded lids and half aren't. my mom and her sisters always had it, so i assumed it was real. there's no way for me to tell they weren't born with it as it just looks so

@dimegirl: i think the amount of emphasis on looks and thinness and superficial pefection is on a different scale in asia than here... i'm korean so that's really where mine comes from, even though i've lived in the US for nearly 30 years. it still does not go away. being overweight in korea is one of the worst

my mom always told me growing up that if i wanted to have the eyelid surgery when i turned 18, she would pay for it. i never had it and never would. and she never wanted me to have it so that i would look more "western". it's not about western or whiteness, it's about big eyes. tell me of a culture in this world where

@TheWorstMugger: d-mannose. it's a life saver! i used to get UTIs all the time and since starting to use it, i haven't had a UTI for over 2 years.

seriously though, where can i buy this dress?!?!

Ladies - D-Mannose powder. This is my UTI miracle. I used to get UTI's all the time from sex but now, every time I have intercourse, I drink a glass of water with a scoop of d-mannose powder dissolved in it immediately after. I have not had one UTI since I started using this, and it's been a good year and a half. It