Strongly agree! It seems that people remember the Holocaust(images of death camps, stories of survivors) but not enough about how it came to fruition which is absolutely crucial to never letting it happen again.
Strongly agree! It seems that people remember the Holocaust(images of death camps, stories of survivors) but not enough about how it came to fruition which is absolutely crucial to never letting it happen again.
Nooooo, haven't you ever seen Martin? From the 90s? When he would go "Daaaayum Gina!"?
Khloe trying to get her Marty Mar on.
I don’t care about the “appropriation”. In the 70s, the mood was definitely “wear everything”. Nobody Black gave a shit when White people got perms and did Afros. It was all good.
Shit. I’m sorry. I want to order you some water from Amazon.
It’s almost like he’s just a person and not imbued with the spirit of a random god.
Wasn’t he the bigger star of the two when they got together and the lack of prenup was her gross father’s advice? She’s a dingbat, no doubt, and from what I understand he took less than half in the divorce, despite the lack of prenup and them being in California.
They didn’t have a prenup. He wanted one, she said no. The funny thing is, without the show or Nick, Jessica wouldn’t be where she is today. So calling her first marriage her “biggest money mistake” is simply not true.
I think nick had more money than her when they got married. She just got more rich by the end of their marriage. But I could be wrong.
NICK LACHEY. It’s not like they had a show on MTV called Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica or anything.
Nick’s brother. Also in 98 Degrees, did not marry Jessica Simpson.
Meanwhile Rosie O’donnell gets her 17 year old’s bf locked up and Kris Jenner collecting checks...
Jimmy Savile was a British celebrity who was also a serial rapist but who prayed mostly on children. In his case it came out right after he died so he never had to face any kind of public shaming.
I having an issue with music playing when I'm off wifi. From what I can tell all the appropriate data settings are turned on. Any tips?
I ADORE this song. It is so fabulous. So heartfelt. Pays homage to greatness and is great on its own.
Every time I hear Amy sing, I’m so sad that there will never be any more music from her. It would have been just wonderful to watch her evolve over the years.
I am an everyday shaver, but I am also a cheap bastard. I buy the Venus razors and use one blade for at least six months. Since they come with 2 cartridges the razor lasts me a year. When it's time to replace the second blade, I just buy a new razor. I can't bring myself to buy a tiny box of replacement cartridges for…