Voting for fascists to own the libs is a real look.
Voting for fascists to own the libs is a real look.
Are you five years old?
So you changed your political affiliation for petty vindication? Wow.
I am ashamed that the level of corruption and bullshit in U.S. politics reached such a tone that it became necessary to elect a person like Donald Trump.
Anyone wearing a MAGA hat should be shamed, everywhere they go.
I agreed 100%. There is nothing sporting or glamorous about this cruelty. Gore away, bulls!
Absolutely seconded.
With all due respect to the author, who clearly wrote a spirited piece of journalism here:
We have to change the way we raise them and how we define masculinity and strength. We have to have better intervention programs for kids who grow up in abusive homes and may find themselves repeating the behaviors that they witnessed.
I’m always happy.
His mouth disturbs me more. There aren’t enough lemons in the world to get that look.
When I was a little, growing up in Japan, my mom would give me a little last bit piece of it, and she said I would just suck and chew on it for hours. She said that it was the best way to shut me up.
Almost like we don’t need them anymore
Miss America. Always a classy affair!
Maybe I’m in the minority but he’s not doing it for me now that he’s all jacked up, he just looks sorta standard issue. Then again I dig slender dudes. Plus, I miss his hair.
My favorite one of these has to be Bob Allen.
Sounds like interchangeable parts would’ve made things a whole lot easier for Mr. Goodman.
Oh, can you see the Macho Man, in the home for retired wrestlers doing something like playing mahjong and then turning:
Juror No. 52: When I walked in here today I looked at him, and in my head, that’s a snake — not knowing who he was. I just walked in and looked right at him and that’s a snake.
A show where they cover the assassinations of tiny THOTs? What did those THOTs ever do to them, huh? Smh.