
I'm also trying to understand why the reviewer wants them to find a easy solution… life doesn't have easy solutions. People fail all the time.. I like the fact that they are scrambling to try and find a solution… and are willing to go any length because this is what they should be doing.

A B…. you have got to be shitting me.

nicks reaction to Aly saying she prostitutes at night was Amazing and a perfect Nick Moment.

go to sleep…. go to sleep..

As for the Avclub comments…people don't watch this show live. Most people like or comment a couple days after the show aired…

My gawd the. Comedy in this episode was Glorious…..

Kane: "Your Mother would be proud"
Belamy: "You floated my mother"

Do need to correct the Reviewer…. They never said fixing the Arc and making peace with the Grounders was their only shot. Fixing the Arc was a plan B… while they tried to figure out a solution… and it remained Plan B when they came up with the Nightblood Solution… Peace with the Grounders was necessary because… Hell

Finally a score that I agree with…. this was a great episode.

Ok I'd be 100% behind a spinoff with Winston, Aly, Cece, and Winstons Mom…

Why in the hell did it take them so long to start Showcasing more Aly? I need more Aly… It's like that season where they put Winston on the back burner.

Lol…. She was born on the freakiest of Fridays. I see what you did there New Girl..

You are both communication bottoms.. one of you needs to be the top.. lol

No matter the time… that's real love.

Lol… neck neck neck neck neck neck neck neck… necks all loaded up.

Man she is so pregnant.

These weird close camera angles are killing me.

Not enough of a response to it… I might give it a chance after the end of It's always Sunny..

I can agree… the Expanse is on fire right now.

WHY would they think about watching Llian when they had no reason to know that shit was fucked in Polius…. plus there were other grounders walking around. Come on man… strike 1 with this review. Octavia was the only one around who knew about his issues with technology.