
And i love how it was an organic friendship that started out even before CeCe was ready to admit that she was friends with Winston.

Man Dennis stripper dancing with ear phones was one of the greatest sight gags that I've seen on this show.

Because Caring… That is the real mess-a-round.

Are you guys having one of them mess downs….

The scene with Jeremy just standing there starring with this obedient smile… got one of the biggest laughs from me…

And Jess is so preggers that it's distracting. I'm not use to these weird Close shots and framing.

Also let's put this to rest…

"Don't you start with that last Mess Around stuff"

I think what the reviewer is missing is that like the first season, these episodes are setting the stages for a much bigger problems… Theres something else on Ally's island, that Bunker Cult is coming back, and there is a legit war coming that actually makes sense…


CECE's facial expressions this episode… fucking classic. Classic..

Holy flip… we had our first Classic Cece, Winston, and Aly mess-a-round and this episode got a B- … what in the heck is going on.

Kate Findlay has been the real MVP this season. I'd dare say that this is her breakout performance.

TV show history… Has told me that anytime you have a male and a female in a car, by themselves for that long and end the episode in a scene.. where the female looks into the male's eyes with the "I'm better because of him look"… You are bound for a hook up. I think we can all remember back when we never thought that

My first comment on this series. I've been quieltly watching and waiting for it to pull me in and last episode finally did it. I can finally see the big picture.

Exactly…. That is what really sold the impact of that scene. You basically had these two strong characters reverse their typical roles. You also have Raven in a role that she isn't accustomed to. She was making decisions but she never really saw the true impact of that until she saw all the dead bodies. That was an

I think this show has had an amazing turn around for Season 5, but if they have Diggle hook up with Dinah… I'm done. He has been the moral rock since the first episode. He is what keeps Oliver grounded… They better not do this crap.

I completely disagree about the moment with Raven and Murphy. That was a great moment because of the fact that it didn't work.. and that's because it wasn't a tv solution. Sometimes great plans don't work out… and sometimes that do.

C+……. I'm calling Shenanigans. This was a least a B+. There were some amazing and intense moments in this episode.

So wow…. nothing really eventful happened this episode.