
I can't support a show that has two characters going off to talk about Tinder and Bone when they know that one of their teammates is held captive and the other was shot…

So true…

This was exactly the score that I was expecting. ign is slipping with their 7.5.

Can't forgot the sub phases, but luckily Schmidt and Cece only have to deal with the odd number ones. He has Nick and Jess for the even ones. Winston Logic…

Oh dear lord… I completely forgot about Rhonda.

You know the rest…

Actually this seems to be right in line with a guy that takes daily selfies with his cat.

Reasons why I love this show…

He's my blood… oh Winston never change.

I honestly don't see what else you can tell someone when the world is ending in 6 months.

Echo has survived for now….

Oh I loved Season 3… the only sore spots for me were that I really wanted a flashback showing Pike and Monty's mom killing Monty's dad. They set that up so well earlier in the Season and then nothing. It would have really added another layer to the scene where Monty had to kill her.

Great to have you aboard. I think you will enjoy the comments on this show. We all tend be of like mind, except for parts of Season 3.. it almost broke us apart.

Jane Says… you are on it my friend.

The 100 is back baby… I'd also give this episode a B+. I love how throw away Echo has turned into a Pivotal character.

Ok what else came on tonight? I missed something.

So am I the only that wants an entire series of these Lucy land characters. They were amazing.

Great to see avclub wisely reviewing this great show.

That line was so great.. and what made it better was the fact that he orgasmed after.

I want him to get back with Nadia so we can get more Nadia…. I mean what the hell its been to long.