
It brings a tear to my eye… to see the return of "Babe, Yes Babe"… Oh dear lord please give me a Cee Cee Winston Spinoff. I would even accept.. webisodes.

So basically the movie runs exactly like The Disneyxd show that it's clearly based on…. what's wrong with that?

Came here to say… that next season AVclub needs to start reviewing DARK MATTER, because this Second Season has been amazing.

I think the reviewer is overlooking a key thing about the ending Flashback. Was the bruise on young Elliot's Face a sign that this was adult Elliot slipping back into that happy world still damaged or Was a clue to show that the abuse from Elliot's mother started long before Mr. Robot passed away… which is not what we

I was thinking the exact same thing.

So this is the Reboot of KIDS?

Unless You are in our shoes. I will admit that is is hard to see and that it is confusing, but I think people need to understand how long this has been going on. I'm 37 years old and I've seen this type of character my entire life. All you have to do is look at the minorities that you personal know and then look how

That just makes Fieg more of asshole. I think Leslie Jones… will convey a more realistic and funny MTA worker then McCarthy????

The "Power of Patty" Compels you…
"You get a Car, You get a Car, You Get a Cat"
"Ah Hell Naw"…

It's more harmful to play the sassy black stereotype. I strongly suggest you read this article to see the problems with the "If it's a steady paycheck" attitude.

I accept the grade but I'm disappointed that you failed to address the obvious stereotype that is Patty Tolan. I find it very interesting that almost all of the negative reviews have addressed this issue… while NONE of the positive reviews mention this. This is a problem and the only way Hollywood is going to stop is

I hate to say it, but I do think that in this future… they probably would kill off the homosexual population. Do I agree with it hell naw… but from a contributing to restoring world population and lack of resources.. I think that this would be the end result.

There is more then 1 woman. Spoilers… HA

I actually kind of wish.. AVclub would score a netflix show after binge watching, because this show is alot deeper then the first episodes shows.

I don't know how they do this…. but Matthew Rhys better get a freaking Emmy before this show ends. Hell this entire show needs an Emmy.

So basically Sony is in full troll mode now.

All I know is that FX almost never lets me down… So All in. I don't even need a trailer.

I wish people would acknowledge the ghostbusters animated series when trying to understand some of the reasons why the fandom is so attached to this property. I mean the show was on for 7 years plus it spawned the extremely underrated extreme ghostbusters.

I came on just to give high praises for the Farscape reference. A show that would still be on right now if it came out a couple years ago. In a perfect world Farscape, Space Above & Beyond, Alphas, and Stargate Universe would be dominating my summer nights on Syfy.

You can only kill off so many series regulars during a season.