Fall 2012
Fall 2012
Unreal engine?
This is very funny picture.
Custom console?
Simcity in fact is very Boring game, especcially after the hour of playing and that monotone sound of live working city is not making the playing so joyful.
Steve Jobs was right - Death is the best invention in this universe.
He's just "hard trying" to be new king in PC gaming, but most if not all of the people in the world doesn't even know - Who and What is the Razer?
You're really making a many bla-bla-bla.
Alien life is already happen in Our Solar system. The problem here is that we can't even find it - there are many undiscovered planets in our Solar system - especially we even don't know anything about many planet satellites around Jupiter and etc.
Guys, let's be serious.
Future is already happening - religious islamists under the guise of "democracy revolutions" striving to rule all Middle East & Africa. They are dethroning the pro-western authorities everywhere. This is the mass deception on the West - where everyone see them as something "democratic"... Fools, the truth will be…
Again questions? Does i need to explain everything to you? This is another sign of your retardedness. I'm worried about you.
Sign of your personal retardedness here - it is your position in this discussion - you're asking question about very obvious things and etc. If you like the role of idiot - that's your personal choice.
Ok, you're prophet, but noone will listen you. Because Vanga got reputation - very good reputation on the most high top level of the Soviet system and in the people. She was visited by many top military generals, by top politicians, by wife of the Bulgarian soviet republic president (where Vanga lived) - Vanga…
You're not only lazy, you're also retarded... Oh, gosh...
It's all about interpretation.
Ha-ha...you're really lazy for sure.
She tells that aliens already on our planet and most interesting that Earth in future like in sci-fi-horror movie receives a dangerous virus through our spaceships but it will be cured.
"Baba Vanga" (see wikipedia) - predicted in 1990-s this radioactive clouds and also radioactive-rains today - one of the most interesting prophesier of last century. Vanga are not very known in the Western world, but in Eastern and former soviet countries - she is very famous. Vanga is from Bulgaria, she's died in…
move his portrait a little bit and you will fool any such stupid system.