You say that like there isn’t racism in every other developped countries with uni HC.
The reason you don’t have uni healthcare is that most people are still living under cold war era propaganda thinking “socialist” is an insult and a menace.
Just look at any article talking about the gov putting its nose into a…
White people love racism more than their own lives. This country would have had universal health care like most of the civilized world but since universal health care would actually apply to everyone including brown people there is no universal health care here.
Because white news reporters are literally color blind but have extra fine perception for beige scale.
He’s nothing more than Log Cabin Republican. And he knows nothing about Black people. And Castro, a superior candidate, who actually understands black people is barely getting any traction.
Boundaries are easier to draw with your friends than with the person who decides if you can pay your rent this month. That’s the point. No one is saying that you can’t say, “I’m not up for that right now.” Just that the give and take of a friendship maybe shouldn’t be compared to work any more than having to show up…
Hot take: in the same way that everything is a nail to a hammer, if you frame yourself as an emotional dumpster, then all you’ll see is trash.
They’re work, but they’re optional. The original context of “emotional labor” is that it’s a catch-22: you have to be nice on the job while living with the terror of knowing that if you AREN’T nice, you could get fired. There are real, material consequences. If your personal relationships carry those kinds of…
‘“sorry, I’m at capacity” like they’re some shitty nightclub.’ lol. How hard is it to write “thank you for telling me. I’m kind of busy right now, let me get back to you later.” This is why I love texting – you can put it aside for a few hours until you’ve (i.e., me) replenished your energy meter like a Sim in the…
I’m none of those things and I think she’s on point. “Labor” is a useful analogy, but like every analogy it’s misleading (and I think ultimately dehumanizing) if taken to far. Relationships are not economic exchanges.
On the one hand, it IS good to check in with people before you’re about to dump something on them. It feels like an ambush sometimes when someone just dumps a bunch of heavy emotional stuff when you aren’t in a position to handle it or respond. If someone just woke up or is running late, they’re not going to be in a…
The abuse of this term is simply an indicator of how selfish and narcissistic our society has become. A friend simply asking you to be a friend to them in a time of need now requires “consent agreements” and notifying everyone around you of what a burden you’re forced to carry, listening to a friend that needs a…
I would be so bewildered if someone said this to me. I can’t imagine ever saying this to a friend either. Everyone has their limit. I can see saying something like, “I love you and I’m sorry you’re having a rough time. I have a lot going on too, I don’t think I’ll be much help tonight.” But this script is like you…
How about the mistake of buying a series of websites and then somehow through complete incompetence and malice flushed their popularity down the toilet?
And P.S. to Jim Spanfeller, not only are you losing my Deadspin pageviews (which were numerous, I assure you), but my Kotaku ones, as well as occasional timid ventures out into the badlands of Jalopnik, Gizmodo, and Jezebel. Congrats! Your strategy to boost ad views is working swimmingly!
This reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes. The day something great and important and loved just left us out of nowhere. It’s stupid and I don’t like it and I will genuinely miss this website.
Thank you, Diana, for this last bit of joy from this site. Much love to you and all the staff, all the way back to Leitch, for making this place what it was.
RIP deadspin. Here’s to those of us who never made it out of the grays. The site was probably better for it.
I’ve been fortunate enough to know some very rich people, even related to a couple. The vast majority have very restrained tastes. They have couches and clothes just like everyone, but the material, fit, & quality is way better than what you get at Target or Lay-z-boy. It looks similar, but a closer look or a touch…