
His feat "Scale of Kinsey" means that he only takes half-damage from men with a vision!

Ragnar's forehead ignores armor saves on rolls of 2+ and is subject to the "rending" special rule.

Actually, I feel that if anything happens to Ecbert Athelwulf will be the one responsible. Just a feeling, but no one likes being second in line to the throne and pops is a bigger obstacle to total dominion than fat father in law.

Yeah…I can see where you're coming from but I still think an extra couple of episodes in the first season would've done more for the show than creative editing. You are right on the money about Aslaug though. The writers should've ditched the prophetess angle and spent more time focusing on the practical reasons for

I point you to the film "Alien". Ripley went back into a self-destructing Hell ship infested by an acid-filled bug demon to fetch her beloved fuzzball. Strong women like cats…It is known.

I think the lack of raiding is a symptom of this show's abridged first season. Those extra 4 episodes would have done a lot to get the exposition/character development out of the way and let us get a more fluid, battle-centric second season. My personal gripe is that Lagertha's motives for marrying Earl Drunken

Console yourself with the chance that if they do another time-skip you might get to see Floki Jr. take a terrible vengeance.

In the (fragmented and contradictory) records of that period Ivar was a warrior and a leader. If Aslaug's next kid is indeed Ivar I wonder if his deformity (like you pointed out, there could've been multiple reasons to call someone "boneless") will make him a figure of awe and reverence like the Seer. Whatever was

That would be great. I can see him giggling as he dangles from one of those batman-grappling hook thingies while batman puzzles over some weird enigma device that's hooked up to a time bomb…I actually really want to see this now.

I could see the actor that plays Floki being a great batman villain. Come to think of it, he'd be a great adversary for just about any superhero that isn't getting the ultra-gritty grimdark treatment; watching that dude is just fun.