choreplay=putting those kindness coins in until I get sex.
choreplay=putting those kindness coins in until I get sex.
Wow that is awful unless of course this was your agreement? Your statement though makes me think otherwise. Hope you are alright.
Wow! I just love people who are racist to the extreme and proud of it. I guess they thought it was such an original idea without stopping to think why no one else as thought of it. HMM I wonder why?!
Ya and I am sure they will want a religious exemption so they can get federal funding. I guess from now on any law they do not like will be a religious exemption to them.
That would actually be a good question. Does the majority think he is guilty?
People do not respond to trolls or the grey policy is meaningless!
Ya of course the man is going to leave, who is going to have sex with him? He has to relieve himself at least once a day!
This reminds me of the time someone put as their profile picture on Facebook a shirt that says "Police Lives Matter". I swear some people can be so ignorant. I like though that they openly admit they obviously do not care for POC so I can avoid them.
Well in their defense(although this is probably not the case), about 1 in 4 women have clitorial phimosis and extremely few have no clit at all.
Wow wtf?! They actually use children for their agendas like that? Fuck them they are as bad as Westboro.
Unfortunately I think anti-abortionists will blame the mother for murder.
Bah! They should be sitting down to use the bathroom anyways. Research shows it empties your bladder more if one sits down instead.
That is almost exactly how I feel about both my mom and my MIL. I love them to death, but they post and like some ridiculous pages that constantly straw man Obama.
What a lot of people seem to either forget or not know is the fact the guy who spearheaded ACA was the one who beforehand did a healthcare plan for Romney.
Ah yes classic argument of invoking Godwin's law.
It is sad that he probably would have gotten away with it if it had not been for his lapse of judgement in selling and posting the videos. I am glad some of these criminals do not think very well.
This is why I do not identify as a feminist. Last thing I want is to people to automatically trust me based on words. I try rather to lead by example. That and I would not want people to think I am some spokesperson for feminists.
I want a medical exemption from anti-vaxxers, as in they cannot be in the same multiverse as me because they make me ill.
Sadly according to a Poll, Mitt Romney is the most popular candidate at the moment. I am quite sure it will definitely change over the course of the race though.
Wow! This is definitely one of those Jezebel's "here's what to get mad about today" although it is night instead, which IMO makes it worse.