I think I will wait on screaming. I have a bad feeling they will fuck it up somehow, either by having some guy "white knight", oversexualizing the women, etc.
I think I will wait on screaming. I have a bad feeling they will fuck it up somehow, either by having some guy "white knight", oversexualizing the women, etc.
You forgot blowjobs.
But that is just the thing, even if women "kept their legs closed" men would be lamenting about how women are so prudish and that men deserve sex. It is one of those damn if you do and damn if you don't.
As someone who lives in Louisiana, I really do not understand why so many people in Louisiana are infatuated with him. Our education system is so laughable, after all we rank near the bottom in education, thanks to him. I hear so many say they would vote for him if he was running.
Off topic posts belong in the weekly sign off where more likely people will give you the advice you seek.
Meh while I do not speak for all people with podophilias, this does not turn me on. I think only feet attached to a woman turn me on.
Assuming this is true, am I the only one who is ok with the situation save for the fact that this woman needed psychological help years ago? Why make incest so taboo?
I am going to have to say is might be real I have seen this kind of harassing behavior before in my undergraduate groups, although a bit tamer, though I am a man so I can imagine it gets this bad sometimes. I never understood the guys that harassed others like this, I guess maybe they think that when a professor…
Ya and I think the worst of it, that I know of, is G word Sisters.
I thought for a second the reader's name was Bill Clinton then realized it was Bill Cliffton.
I honestly thought at first Oregon players were doing the chant because they beat FSU so badly, implying with the chant that they raped FSU(a common phrase for beating someone badly).
By their reasoning I guess I must be a woman because I have never experienced pain like this when I keep my legs closed on a bus or train. I think they are confusing physical pain with emotional pain because they are terrified that they cannot express their dominance by taking ALL of the space.
I busted out laughing reading his profile when he said "I try not to spend my time thinking too in depth about anything anymore."
Well as it says in the article, one in California can still sue past the limitation if the victim discovers the abuse and/or its effects, usually through therapy that brought out repressed memories. Once discovered the person has three years to file a claim. So she definitely can still sue and win.
I fucking laugh at these idiots that think Wilson's life is over. If anything is life is even better than before. He has $400,000, recently married, and he was acquitted. I think if one was to ask anybody who would you rather be, everyone would say Wilson. It is obvious they do not care about life; because even if one…
Confession! I used to think like that in my teenage years. It was a good thing I was shy at the time; because, I am sure I would have made dumb mistakes. I look back and honestly do not know what the hell I was thinking.
It is funny how many conservatives talk about how bad Russia is when they both have a lot of beliefs in common, but then again maybe reasoning is not their forte.