
Totally agree. Why even bother with a built-in nav anymore when almost everyone uses Google maps?


In addition to BT streaming, AndroidAuto, AppleCarplay, and screen mirroring are the way to go. They run on the phone so when the phone is updated, they are updated. It takes very little processing power to mirror a screen so the hardware shouldn’t get outdated very fast either. My car has both nav(garmin-based) and

Yep, and in addition, bring down the cost of the new car. I very much get that we need safety for ourselves and others. But those features can be refined and the cost brought down for the same safety, over time.

im all for making vehicles simpler.

I’m sure this is a statistic-related math thing I don’t understand, but I’m not sure I buy downgrading a company based on “predicted reliability.” Just because other companies have had problems in the past means that Porche is predicted to have problems in the future? As if they haven’t learned anything from those

Have them compete at Monaco. There’s your dense urban setting. 

I’m convinced time accelerates as you get older and before you know it a decade has passed by and your left wondering where the hell the time went.

When the kaiju hit, we’ll be ready!

Ah yes (screws tinfoil hat firmly on), the front for Japan’s secret military developmental bipedal weapons platforms! Once they have the tech perfected they’ll offer countries around the world their own Gundam for tourism purposes and those countries will never suspect that inside those harmless seeming sideshow

You’ve waited until now? The key is creative searches. My organization must think I watch a lot of British news.

so i can watch porn on my work laptop now or what?

That math problem becomes particularly noticeable once you have children. The fact that they’re experiencing time at a different speed than you are is almost constantly on display.

I once had a friend that was super into math explain it to me as this.  Each year of your life is 1 year out of the total years you’ve existed.  Each year a smaller sliver of your total experience at ten years old one year is a 10th of your life experience so far.  At 40 that year is 1/40th of your entire life

I feel like they covered this in the first film (and novel). Your level of perception is tied to the equipment you have. The haptic feedback is supposedly very lifelike, but you’d need a high end suit to get a more immersive experience... the gloves he starts with in the beginning were state-issued for school with

I’m convinced time accelerates as you get older and before you know it a decade has passed by and your left wondering where the hell the time went.”

Our box of “Misc.” has at least four sets of AV cables and a half-dozen chargers to cell phones so old that the internet has no pictures of them.

Built a SFF HTPC a few years ago, best decision ever. It became my always on machine that houses a couple Virtual Servers 20TB of storage and still plays games pretty darned well with a controller while kicked back on the couch. Super nerded last weekend a friend/co-worker brought over his gaming laptop hooked it up

Someday I’m going to need that ribbon cable for a 3.5" floppy and who’ll be laughing then.

If you’re anything like me, it comes from a time when you were much younger, much poorer, and much more enthusiastic about salvaging/rebuilding broken or dying electronics for personal use or to sell for a quick buck. That being said, I also still hoard this shit because... wait, why do I still need a 4-pin Molex to