
I wanted to make an elaborate photoshop picture of the climax of A Christmas Carol, but this is 2020, so you get MS Paint.

Easy mode is back there, really. By the time you play Demon’s Souls enough to unlock that door the game will feel quite easy to you. Easy mode unlocked! It was in you all along. 💖

Are you even old enough to know what happened in the 80s when Reagan was President? I lived them, it wasn’t so bad, however it wasn’t great either, but it was better than the Jimmy Carter days. Also as much as I dislike Activision/Blizzard I do not believe they went political about the game, unlike you in this

After reading the article, I get the distinct impression that this movie comes from The Fifth Element School of Film Making: Make it, have fun making it, make it fun, and fuck the critics because the audience will get it and the critics aren’t the audience. If they manage to pull this off, I’m 100% down for it.

The Tesla and some other electric cars use massive banks of a standardized “18650" Li-Ion battery. Similar batteries are packaged together in many laptops and other electronic devices.

“Ah yes, the good old Wake and Bake. Seen it, covered it.”

To be clear the device they are selling is not a Switch hack. It is a device that allows you to send a payload to the Switch from there you can among other things run homebrew, Android, or Pirate. My personal fave use out of it is getting to use my Playstation controller on my Switch without needing a 3rd party dongle.

Most years (but likely not this one), an estimated 125 million annual tree visitors crowd Rockefeller Plaza and then spread like red blood cells through the arteries of the underground mall in Rockefeller Center, the shops of Fifth Ave., and the booths of in nearby Times Square, keeping the unnatural system alive.

I like to Trump bash as much as anybody, but even I had to lol at this, but nice try!

For all the good this article will do, it might as well be titled “defund Christmas.

But that’s the thing. He’s not selling illegal tool here, if the page does not advertise piracy and the tool itself doesn’t contains any Nintendo property, he’s in the clear.

So by your logic. If someone buys a knife from a kitchen store and then use that knife to commit a crime, the kitchen store should accountable of the crime too?

Nicholas Cage makes this movie!  If not for his special brand of insanity this would not nearly be as much fun!  I think this and Color Out of Space are his two best recent films showcasing that Cage quality we all know and love!

This sounds like an incomprehensibly stupid, Kojima-tier vanity project.

“Fuck ‘quality,’ let’s just have some damn fun.”

Growing up in Michigan, in a city with a huge, deep river, my parents hammered us about the dangers of venturing out on to ice and sure enough the newspapers carried at least a couple of stories a year of kids, ice fishermen and assorted idiots who drowned/froze to death after venturing out on to ice they were certain

Yes, the ice isn't getting thinner, it’s the people who are getting dumber. 

wow..i didn’t know that the environment was the cause of bad judgement and common sense when applied to activities around ice......

Woo-hoo! Twenty-five smackeroos! That’s enough to buy the 20W USB charger that used to come free with the iPhone! Well, provided we ignore sales tax and shipping costs, of course.

I have this marked in my calendar for a just-me night this Friday while the rest of the fam binges some episodes of The Crown S.04 and I will absolutely be high as a kite for it.