
it sets the precedent that if companies don’t like a law, they can simply buy a new one.

Why are we even voting on this? This should be a decision the actual employees/contractor of the company make.

Does it really make a difference, though? 3ms response time is 333Hz and 0.3ms would be 3333Hz. Yes, it is an impressive difference, but at that rate I doubt a difference can actually be made by the human eye.

I’m no doctor, but my guess is he had some other medical issue which caused him to faint. The bathroom would have been warm from the shower. He got the urticaria after being passed out on the floor for some time being wet and cold - ie hypothermia 

Now playing

He also indirectly improved SNL via Darrel Hammond’s brilliantly sinister impressions:

2020 keeps on delivering.

Can’t forget about The Rock!!! He was great in that too!  RIP Mason!

2020 continuing to bring the suck! But 90 years is a good long lifetime.

There are many contemporary German and Allied accounts of Rommel and none of them show him conducting himself any less than professionally. He was spared from making the difficult choices that faced commanders on the Eastern Front though.

It denotes an aircraft kill from the B-17's gunners.

Google is your friend but I'll do it for you anyways. They are victory indicators. That one notates that someone manning either the nose or cheek MGs shot down a German aircraft.

I remember reading a story from a crew member on a B-24 Bomber about another bomber in the formation that was going down and the crew bailed out but one of the crewman's parachute got caught on the bomb bay door. And as the plane burned, a lone german fighter maneuvered thru the formation and inched up to the burning

Never really a good idea, sometimes just the only option. As in WWII, which was unavoidable and had to be done. WWI, however, was a terrible, terrible idea all around and just should not have happened at all, and if it didn't, then WWII probably wouldn't have happened either.

Professionalism and honor go a long way to show an enemy individual humanity. Monitoring the radio as RTO on a particular day my CO had a meeting with the local Iraqi town leaders and there was one Iraqi gentleman seated close to me that was using the opportunity to practice his written english with me via passing

It's missing the part where his commanding officer told the men he would shoot them himself if they would ever fire on a parachute or wounded enemy. Thought that was a nice detail, he was not the only German with a sense of right and wrong.

In that case its not the war that seems pointless to me but the loss of human life. The average German solider wouldn't have conceived a plan to exterminate entire nationalities by himself, but he was manipulated into killing and dying for that cause.

Here's what would have happened if he landed the B-17 in Germany. It would have been repaired and used by either KG200 ( or Zirkus Rosarius (, or both. Zirkus Rosarius was designed to help educate the German fighter pilots

Whenever I read a story like this, I'm always saddened by the pointlessness of war and the loss of human life. These stories demonstrate that we are capable of behaving humanely to each other, yet it only seems to happen briefly.

At least they spelled it correctly...

Amazing story, wow. I'm almost moved to tears, hahaha.