
It can't do vertical take offs actually, and I wish the article would correct this. It is capable of short takeoff and vertical landing.

Those cosplayers may have chose to dress a certain way, they did NOT choose to be used as clickbait to get Kotaku more ad revenue. That is literally exploitation.

Hypocrisy at its finest

You claim to want developers to be honest about their intentions, but we all know full well that if Okubo just said “I like boobs” you’d be calling him a chauvinist pig and demanding his resignation.

I think exclusivity is the point though. Giving everyone a house undermines the satisfaction of obtaining a hard-earned, tangible, and persistent domicile. Instanced housing just doesn’t feel real. FFXIV might be one of most frustrating games to buy a home, but it is also the game where getting that home feels the

I think a better filter would be to only allow reviews from players who’ve spent a minimum number of hours playing the game. Make it short, like 2-3 hours. Forcing reviewers to make a 2-3 hour time commitment would greatly reduce the number of fanboy/hater brigading to skew the score without having even touched the

The genderbend Hanzo’s got some nice cans ; )

The problem I have with friendly fire magic is that you have no way of commanding your party to clear the area. If you want to use magic but your party is stupidly just dog-piling on the enemies, you either have to accept taking some damage or forgo using magic. Lame...

The problem I have with friendly fire magic is that you have no way of commanding your party to clear the area. If you want to use magic but your party is stupidly just dog-piling on the enemies, you either have to accept taking some damage or forgo using magic.

In the some of the demonstrations, it looked like the Ascension grid was really small, with only a couple dozen nodes (a far cry from the Sphere Grid system). Is is actually that small? Do more “layers” become unlocked over time?

This is basically the equivalent of a banner that said,“Hey Jews, get ready for Auschwitz!” or “Hey Japs, get ready for the internment camps!” Unbelievable...

A real blow to the crossplay community, which is actually quite huge in Japan. There are these Touhou cosplay gatherings in which droves of male fans dress up as their favorite characters. Guess they’ll have to go elsewhere now.

Now there’s even less reason to preorder games

I wonder which controller configuration he was referring to? The tiny half-size controllers look awfully cramped, but if he got to try it I would definitely defer to him

You’re basically saying the rules don’t matter, that the mods can arbitrarily bend or break the rules as they see fit, because this is their subreddit. Did I get that right?

Maybe if they made an example of the most egregious offenders, it would set a precedent to sway the atmosphere away from this sort of behavior, including more subtle forms of harassment.

Couldn’t this sort of behavior simply be reported? Blizzard could then suspend or ban the offending players. Pretty sure sexual solicitation is not tolerated...

Meh, I don’t know if you can really take the developers word anymore. They’ve become notorious for ambiguous, misleading statements. For example, take their statement that it is “virtually impossible” for two players to find each other in the game. This makes it sound like the universe is so vast that the chance of

You know what’s worse than not being able to play Pokemon the way you want? Being the only one who doesn’t want to play, while being cast aside by those that do nothing but play incessantly. I personally couldn’t be happier to have my friends back from their poke-stupor.

Shenmue 3, all eyes are on you now. You better not screw this up.