Follies at 10

God am I glad you are doing these reviews. Gives a fresh perspective on a masterpiece I've already seen twice and now get to watch a third time.

Just watched the second season of Line of Duty. And dare I say it, slightly better than S1. The end of the first episode has a "holy shit" moment I haven't seen since the end of the first episode of The Shield. Highly recommend people check it out on Hulu (it's free right now). And hopefully, AV Club does a review.

No, where did I say that? But there is no doubt there is alot of high quality journalism being published on the internet.

Simon's OK, but his hyperbole about journalism on the web (Drrrr, it's just a bunch of people in their basement, drrrr) and how newspapers provide all the news you need really pisses away alot of his credibility.

Why the #@!$ aren't more people commenting on this masterpiece? Pathetic.

I would pick a few from S8: Xmas wishes, After Party, Garden Party. Those were the best from the largely unsuccessful Robert California stint.

Not surprised the Jezebel crazies would have trouble with the Fig blowjob scene. Nothing wrong with that scene at all. Fig was a cunt and it was good to see her get a little bit of comeuppance since she won't be brought to justice. Spare me the "She's a woman, it doesn't matter what her crimes are," defense. It's

Can't really blame him for his spectacular fall…he was still processing 9/11.

“…the grossly unqualified sitting in positions of authority.”

The biggest travesty:

If by "leaving" you mean "shit canned," then yes.

Just watched the entire series again through Amazon. Only this time I read the AV Club reviews after each episode. And it felt awesome going through this show for a third time from beginning to end.

Good God this show is slow as fuck. And the full retard shtick wears thin after about 10 minutes. But the brunette is smoking hot, so I guess there's that.

Heat and Saving Private Ryan's trailers both belong on at the top. Masterpieces.

Ah the butthurt is alive and well among the thin-skinned libtards of the AV Club.

One of my favorite quotes of the series:

"There’s an undeniably unseemly implication to the fact that, of the two brothers, the one who fled his home country and is thoroughly Americanized (and played by a white actor) isn’t the violent, crude, vicious rapist, while the one who was raised in Abbudin and played by an actor of Arab descent (Barhom is an

"unfair stereotypes of Muslims and Middle Eastern countries."

Well I guarantee you it will be better than how Americans, Westerners, and people of a certain religion (hint: the Arabs aren't big fans of them) are portrayed in the Muslim world.