
I know exactly what you mean, and I feel it too. But it doens't really bother me right now, because I can cough it up to the new PTB trying to find their rythm and voice in this very stylised show.
And I also think it's something that people who watch the show in detail would notice. Overall for the more casual viewers

I quite liked that it was plot driven too. I just would have preffered to have had a better balance between plot and character…

That's what I've been thinking: that she might be working on her "doc" while she's in the White House connected to the internet and the Chinese hackers get their hands on her footage…

She played a judge in the Grinder too…

I'm still cautious, weary and restrained also, because you're right: it's still early and there's a lot of ways this can still go down the drain before and by season's end.

I always took that as both of them kinda being a bit hypocritical and unaware, that what they were saying about Bill could absolutely be said about them too.

It was such an easy joke to make considering the Matrix explanation came from Kent, so I was expecting someone to say it. But I'm so glad it was Ben who did it because THAT right there is their whole relationship!

I like it! That Richard is slowly becoming Selina's favourite, and then have him sorta be at fault about the whole hacking debacle is such a Veep thing to happen!

I would absolutely believe that Will is the only person that actually spends time with Furlong, and that despite all the putdowns he actually does like him… as much as he is capable to like a person anyway.

Who'd have thought she'd actually be useful for a change…

I think Ben's too smart and capable to have been a "Jonah".
He was probably a "Richard"…

Ben knows what's up…

I feel he's always been that guy though. Yes he's tired, disillusioned and doesn't give a rat's ass, but he knows this shit way too well.

True but for VEEP standards it was pretty tame… and contained in less than 40 seconds…


*points heatedly to her face*

In the face!

Unfortunately to me it looks like she's looking back to back up the car, but I'm hoping there's more that goes down in that scene, cause Dan is acting a bit flustered there….

I'm still in awe of Kent's "Holy shit! The kid actually got through to her" face when Selina sends Mike to get Tom James.

Ha! Touche… well played! *applause*