
Justin had to beat a man bloody in single combat to get where he is.

“My dog is a better senior advisor than your daughter.”

Wow, I never took you for an antisemite before.

oh jesus no

Lucky for you, ‘Fuck the world’ always makes sense now.

“I speak Spanish better than you, peasant!”

The first cut they made was firing the costumer.

Stephens also condemns the Democrats for speaking Spanish with an American accent. Because ordinary, decent Americans like ‘us’ don’t speak Spanish because we’re not smug elitists, but also we speak it fluently with a Mexican accent and if you don’t then you’re a pathetic peasant.

Also Jack’s a white supremacist.

We don’t have the cleanest water we’ve had in the last...three years.

Even more easily if they never want to see you again.

At least Harley and Ivy now have the one healthy relationship in Gotham City. Progress is possible!

Dudley is Freddy Mercury!

Poison is her own can of worms, even beyond the whole ‘hypersexual trans’ thing.

(look at that burner’s account name)

Yeah, seriously it’s just an embarrassing screwup for the gala. It doesn’t even read as spite or whatever, just cluelessness.

Think about it, though: If John Waters, the living embodiment of camp, went to a party where the dress code is “Camp,” he’d be absolutely, undeniably appropriate. But being appropriate and following the dress code to the letter isn’t camp at all, right?


I think it really comes down to whether you think Clinton overperformed or underperformed.

I’m sympathetic to her reluctance, as a gentile, to get in out front on Palestine. Like, she’s already alienating enough establishment funders/organizers by being a woman and saying everyone should pay taxes; she doesn’t need AIPAC/the ADL launching a campaign calling her Literal Hitler.