Mrs. Fingerbottom

She is a bitch.


Ahhhh!! So much to process!

Thank you!! I’m currently traveling by myself for work, so I have plenty of alone time to gloat ;). Part of me keeps saying ‘but what if they don’t like the end result’ or ‘something might still go wrong’ so I am trying to force myself to just ENJOY. It’s a semi-controversial topic and I’m sure some readers will think

I know this is not SNS but since I’m in Europe I always miss those and I got really great news today that I want to share! I work in academia and recently I’ve really been wanting to get into research journalism, but it’s not so easy to break into the good publications (‘duh’ - Every Writer Ever). Well, last week I

Since it is Teen Week I feel like this is a safe enough space to tell you all the following information:

The (sometimes) American interpretation of ‘WOW what kind of TOTALITARIAN POLICE STATE won’t allow parents to take their child to whatever hospital they want?’ is a load of BS too. I am not entirely familiar with American law, but I’m pretty sure parents aren’t allowed to do whatever the fuck they want to their kids

Right? People PAY for the ‘i got my hair dyed 4 weeks ago’ look?

Clearly we were the only people who understood the power and beauty of historical pop songs.

She is. She taught me how to sew and I can’t wait to make my future kids all the insane outfits they come up with!

Ugh, being dragged into an exhibitionist’s sex life as an unwilling audience bums me out so hard.

Those people bum me out so hard.

I did not grow up in America so we did not have proms but BOY did we have ‘formal dances’. Six years in a row, age 12-18, to be more precise. My mom made my dress off of my ~unique drawings~ every year so I looked like a purple goth witch with my red hair in butterfly clips every single year and sure, the boys didn’t

My alcoholic partner quit cold turkey 2 years ago and THANKFULLY he was fine, but I remember he went to our GP a few months after quitting asking for therapy and the doctor was so dismissive. He basically said, well, you still have a job so your situation can’t be that bad but if you *need* to, here is the number for

I was a horribly depressed teenager who received no help, and to be honest I’ve been afraid to read my teenage diaries. I’m almost 30 but I’m not sure I can revisit that self hate.

Hahaha when I was a teenager we got a rescue kitten and I waited on the little bitch hand and foot BUT she decided my indifferent brother was the love of her life and I was trash. I was so jealous.

Not to mention, a felon who left his wife by making out with a random rich girl for her to find out via the paparazzi? MMM, GET IN LINE, LADIEZ!

This is all round awful but that detail brought tears to my eyes.


Good lord, nothing like a story about a celebrity rehoming a pet to get all the Expert Dog Saviours out of the woodworks. She didn’t tie the bloody dog to a tree in the forest. She got a dog, there was clearly a problem between the dog and his environment/owner, the dog now lives somewhere else. There are so many