
pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Chill, child.

Fuck. And we all fell for it.

Less than zero is pretty short.


So true. You know you fucked up when every single comment is in disagreement with your blog post.

I’m sorry, but the list of political dynamics and issues where Obama needs an explainer from Libby Watson is exceedingly short.

I don’t completely blame Drew given how much the Vikings have sucked for his entire adult life, but this WYTS is basically the Deadspin equivelent of:

Maybe Thanos could snap twice and wipe them all out at once? 

I wish Thanos would snap his fingers and make half of Trump’s administration disappear.

But kneeling football players are disrespecting our veterans!

US Navy headquarters in South Korea is located in Busan, so it could well have been a drunk US sailor.

Gwangbok Ro is a heavy duty tourist trap of a street. T’Challa’s attacker could have been anyone from a drunken ajushi to a drunken Russian sailor to a drunken ESL teacher to a drunken Japanese tourist.

Generalizing Asians even more racist than you realized. ASIANS are not monolith people, they are diverse bunch. They are not only consist of pale and yellow skin, slant eyes variety (East Asia). But there are also darker shade of skin color and big eyes of South East and South Asia. Not to mention Arabian and Persian