
Can somebody explain why Gene Wolfe wasn’t worthy of a tribute but this bullshit artist was?

Good riddance to an unrepentant con-woman.

So then don’t do it, and quit judging others. Jesus, get off your high horse, mr. I-love-my-wife.

Can you imagine being one of the guys review bombing Captain Marvel and boosting this movie thinking Captain Marvel was pushing diverse superheroes unreasonably.

“It does no one any good to harangue or ostracize less perceptive males, by casting all members of the sex as being ineluctably rather repulsive...”

Get over it. No one cares about your strict definitions. This is the same shit that was said about rock n’ roll and later, rock. “Oh, it’s atonal” “Oh, the lyrics are nonsensical” “Oh, it all sounds the same.” “Oh, it’s all rhythm and no substance.” Blah Blah Blah.

Give it about an hour or so for some very specific kotaku commenters to say that it’s all about how their age of consent is lower in japan, they’re not really people, and not releasing this game is censorship.

Alabama shows it has a tiny amount of basic human decency left by not electing a child molester to the Sentate by the thinnest of margins.

gender distinctions in onesie clothing is an artificial construct.

gender distinctions in onesie clothing is an artificial construct.

I have two kids. I love my kids.

Felix, you may not believe the things you are saying, but that does not change the fact that your audience is primarily children who may not have the cognitive dissonance to separate you from your character. For them you are normalizing those statements.

Kjlberg put that Fritz tweet as his banner picture because clearly he’s a stable and mature young man who understands the nuances of racial humor and not just another in the long line of emotionally stunted white baby men unable to handle the slightest bit of criticism.

Shin Godzilla was much more allegorical and actually commented on various aspects of Japanese society. Chafing at reliance on the US, fears about nuclear power while relying on it to meet the needs of a hyper dense city population, concerns about a society transitioning power away from the generation that experienced

I’ll read when I’m dead, nerd!

Editing your post to remove the idiotic question.

Pray tell, what do you do that lets you pass judgement?

THAT’S the lesson you think people should have learned? Go fuck yourself.

Which is just shorthand for “you don’t have a right to privacy.”