Not military but I’d take Kusher over the anti-Christ... I mean Bannon
Not military but I’d take Kusher over the anti-Christ... I mean Bannon
Nice. Judgy right winger (JRW) passes judgment out of ignorance.
Don’t worry about video games. After the coal workers never get their jobs back and the tax cuts fund his cronies AND he kicks millions off health insurance, the market for video games will be shit.
Yeah if you didn’t vote against him (and HRC was a horrible candidate) you deserve what you got.
Yeah... no. Look the proverbial gift horse in the mouth much?
It may not be perfect but how about some recognition for the fact they even made a WWI game. Instead of another over the top space battle like other franchises.
And technically, swallowing means it goes in your stomach... soooo No. Not an issue.
Thank you. As an ICU doc, I am sick of lay people playing doctor on social media.
No.. No... I deal with people who have horrible brain injuries (bullet threw the brain anyone?) and they don’t “swallow their tongues”.
I can confirm that you are talking out your ass. Good day Sir.
You Sir, are why people refer to others as “’tard”.
Let me guess: The B in GnatB stands for brain?
Please walk slowly so the door hits you in the ass on the way anywhere else.
Right... broken neck and a lifetime of care as a quad or brain dead/neurologically devastated. Oh! How to decide... both so appealing!
Funny thing. There once was a guy named Darwin. Seems he had a theory.
Not Circle of Life, but I am done with Game Stop after my last experience with their lies.
personal best
So pseudo deity, go the fuck back to Greece. And spare us your hate mongering. Briebart welcomes your ilk
If that is sarcasm, face palm for poor delivery.
Steve Bannon called. He needs another rim job, Bull