Precisely because they end up ironically looking like everybody else in Silicon Valley, but they insist on being original.
Precisely because they end up ironically looking like everybody else in Silicon Valley, but they insist on being original.
Maybe the last two years at Stanford would have helped with that? Not that I think dropouts are automatically dopier, but the “dropped out and started a kabillion-dollar tech company with iconic weird casual-wear costumes” narrative is getting a little... trodden.
I agree with you, but when you have morons putting her face on the cover of magazines and touting her company as an “ideal,” this ego stroking will continue.
What’s more amusing is that Elizabeth Holmes failed to realize that other scientists before she came along most likely already considered the option of smaller blood samples but couldn’t pull it off because it’s physically impossible to do. Not because no one else ever thought of it before!
I have been waiting for this day ever since reading a completely fawning profile of Holmes and Theranos in Fortune, in which she said she could tell whether you’d eaten broccoli or a cheeseburger recently by looking at a blood slide under a microscope. Advice for would-be medical innovators: stay in school, kids.
Here’s the thing that I don’t like about this whole fiasco.
I see this everywhere. It’s a plague, especially upon people of my age, the 20 and the 30 somethings who don’t seem to demonstrate an actual marketable skill, but instead are masters at selling themselves. They’re not even people, but their own commodities. I see it in my fellow artists and filmmakers who hype on…
I can’t get over her trying to cop Steve Jobs’s style. That turtleneck is unfortunate.
Better question: When did we leave that world?
So this is a genuine - not trolling - But, you are absolutely right that we’ve never been anything but cognizant of races in modern society. But, part of the consequences and impact (positive or negative,) of race is from how others and society as a whole treat us. If she was seen by the public at large as a black…