Anyway, the judge wasn’t having any of it and went so far as to ban the couple from entering Douglas County after their release, according to ABC News.
Anyway, the judge wasn’t having any of it and went so far as to ban the couple from entering Douglas County after their release, according to ABC News.
You are clearly stating that Corey’s tone is not helpful to white people. You are saying that it 1) offends white folk 2) furthers division amongst the races and 3) does not help white people understand what Corey is trying to say.
It is not the responsibility of the oppressed to…
I hope they get shanked.
“I would never walk up to you and say those words to you.”
dealing weed while black...
Pointing a gun at someone is assault, so is the threat of bodily harm. Now add to that the hate crime modifier and there you go...
I think he got more time because he actually carried around a gun and pointed it at people I guess. She just loaded it earlier that day or something. I don’t know though.
This wasn’t intended to be a guiding, orienting post. It’s clearly, obviously, literally, and truly a big ol’ heaping pile of snark. That you got past the part about securing a seat at Jesus’ table and continued on without that in mind is both baffling and also, the point.
Do we have to wait until they kill someone to lock them up? Is that what you are suggesting?
Is pointing a gun at someone and making threats a crime?
For terrorizing a family’s birthday party? Do we have to wait until they kill someone to lock them up?
Not enough tears, i give the performance a F. Hope they loose the appeal, they must serve the jail time. They were ready to kill that day and its a miracle nothing more happened.
They’re crying because in prison, they’ll be the “n***ers.”
Manslaughter is unintentional, this was premeditated and repeated. A “fair” sentence wouldn’t possible unless they were convicted of assault for each individual that yelled at during this birthday party and every other time rode around waving treasonous flags and shouting racial slurs across Georgia.
I am confused, they say that walking up and doing those things aren’t them...but they did those exact things? I would understand the argument if say, they didn’t participate in those actions and were more or less just a couple of idiots following this group around but...they were the harassers in this scenario.
So wait they rode around in a truck with loaded guns, yelling at ppl and threatening ppl on the street and dont even get arrested!? Wow just wow
I would never walk up to you and say those words to you.