Kupchak wasn’t qualified either yet you’re still on his nuts. So what’s the difference I wonder? Magic isn’t showing he knows “his place”? After you elected a POTUS that’s even more unqualified for his job? Fuck outta here Draper.
Kupchak wasn’t qualified either yet you’re still on his nuts. So what’s the difference I wonder? Magic isn’t showing he knows “his place”? After you elected a POTUS that’s even more unqualified for his job? Fuck outta here Draper.
You should watch it. All of these “questions” are answered by actually paying attention to the movie. Drew is just an idiot.
Still salty the Sonics don’t exist anymore? Let it go dipshit.
Hopefully trump gets killed while in office too. Quit clutching your pearls dipshit
Fuck you and every trump supporter like you. None of you pieces of shit batted an eye at the “2nd amendment solution” offered at assassinating Obama. You didn’t say shit about your fellow inbreds brandishing weapons at Obama speeches. But, dear Christ, your panties are all bunched up over semantics and a block of…
Except Mykki doesn’t identify as trans, so there’s that.
Didn’t know the ASG was in Flavor Town this year.
Did you actually read the article? No, clearly you didn’t. Good job dum dum.
The science of aging
The science of aging
So two months out of over a decade at fox pushing their agenda? Not inaccurate at all. Stop dick riding.
Who, not living in a basement and reeking of cheetos, gives a fuck?
Actually the only point you made was that he was captured. Seriously, the rest of that shit was just vague and worthless.
And you’re NOT JAPANESE. AT ALL. Your opinion on the matter is invalid. You don’t get to speak for JAPANESE PEOPLE. Go back to your whiteness, snowflake.
Carlos Santana is a hack. He can’t even compete with a dead Prince. Ever.
Santana is trash at playing the guitar. That’s why Prince will always be revered, and Santana will be relegated to having guest appearances on his “songs”.
She should use all that Wikileaks money she got
Yes to all 3. Possession rules say if you’re hosting my penis, it’s yours to use at your discretion. I think it’s only fair if I’m supposed to have any say on what you do with or choose to have or not have come out of your “whatever” , as the dumb say.
Literally anyone with the right computer program
So you prefer generic imitations? Not surprising.
Shut up Becky. Maybe they’re tired of all the bullshit white folks have been hawking for CENTURIES.