
You are drowning in your white privilege clearly. Stay safe snowflake. We’ll let you know when it’s safe for you to walk outside again. You are useless to humankind in your current form.

Yes it is idiot. Read. A. Fucking. Book.

Your understanding is wrong. Violent activism forced their hand. Without signing the Act into being, the true will of the people united would have been felt for decades.

3 whole fucking people. That more than makes the 300 years or so of violence against blacks, asians, and First Nations totally worth it. You’re a fucking apologist.

You can fuck off too

Oh go fuck off. If you are so ignorant as to think that King never had a secondary plan of violent action then may I suggest you read A Long and Mighty Walk. Read a fucking book and stop thinking peace and love to those who would see people of color completely wiped off the map will bring about change. This is the

Not if they’re from Boston they wouldn’t. They wouldn’t even let Lewis in their houses. Don’t be daft.

Your patriot figureheads are trump endorsers. Fuck New England. Grab Brady by his pussy.

Jesus that’s a lot of words for a really bad defense of an organization that has cheated its way to every single super bowl win. Get over it. So you’re a fan of cheaters? Who cares? Own it. Wish my team was as clever at cheating as New England.

So out of the 30 women in this group, how many of them had actually ever been pregnant? Or attempted to adopt? Can you be pro-woman and still want the government deciding what you can and cannot do with your own body?

“I definitely don’t think everyone should be able to vote,” said the other. “You should at least have to take a test or something.”

Lol wut?

Was still a MUCH bigger and well known star than Paul friggin Ruud and Benedict Cumberslatch

Yes you are an apologist and clearly a trump supporter with no actual knowledge or experience in government nor international affairs. Breitbart isn’t the bastion of reliable information you think it is sugartits

Says Gronks biggest dick riding fan. Gtfoh

Would love to see the last great movie you directed. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

None of these people, nor you I gather, would actually be confrontational at all. You’d smile and shake hands, take pictures, and then go home and tell everyone what you “wanted to say” to trump but didn’t.

And so in that analogy and all these comments, both parties are being equally dickish. You want to play your way. They want to play their way. And since you don’t get your way you throw a tantrum and report or have people banned. Here’s an idea, don’t play on their team. Or, stop playing “pickup” games with randoms

It’s cute that you get this riled up over a fucking video game with imaginary characters and pixelated reality. Get laid one of these days. These are the most ridiculous comments in the world. Lmao

Yep. That is the policy of the Oklahoma County District Attorneys office. Bar association receives over 1,000 complaints about that office every year and refuses to even set it for a hearing. Mind you, most of those bar complaints come from other lawyers and judges.