
Ban weight cutting and do hydration tests leading up to the fight.

Joke’s on you the taxpayer- he made $150k in overtime alone last year, his healthcare is fully covered, and he gets to retire with a full salary pension for life.

I have a 2 year old, I’ve rewatched Moana about 500 times.

As far as I know, Mike Trout is more famous as a Philadelphia Eagles fan than a baseball player, and I live in Orange County.

Woe to the vanquished.

“They go way too fast and I’m always afraid they’re going to crash into me”

Funny, that’s how I feel about skiiers.

Better integration, and Google needs to open up the Android Auto API to third party navigation apps. As it is now, Google Maps and Waze are your only choices on Android Auto.

Yup, the only bias Twitter has is towards making money. Political leaning never mattered but to a few crybabies who couldn’t generate enough clicks.

You’re right, getting hit by something 36x your weight is significantly worse than getting hit my something 20x your weight. Dead is dead.

I bought a 2012 Impreza new. It’s been mechanically sound and reliable. The problems are that the 90s GM-quality interior has almost completely fallen apart in the 71,000 miles I have on it. Its very noisy on the road, and the paint is made of some kind of soft cheese. I do not recommend Subarus to any prospective

Yeah, just get a foil pan from the grocery store. I’ve been smoking for years in a standard Weber kettle grill with these. Always put a pan of water in the bottom of the grill to regulate temperature. Use the snake method for the coals, or knock some holes in a disposable foil bread loaf pan and put them in there.

Yes, a company with a profit motive wouldn’t ever find reasons to raise rates on the most popular vehicles. My bet is that in reality deaths cost less than a lifetime of paraplegic care.

Philly Cheese Chicken is the real tragedy here.

Why bother going to the woods when your driveway offers all that nature can afford?

Why bother going to the woods when your driveway offers all that nature can afford?

I’ve seen a few Tellurides and they’re not that big. Really not impressed with it’s size.

Are New England hot dog buns REALLY hot dog buns?

We know the greatest claim to fame is the sandwich (after the fake boxer), but I admire that you know the real heat is when someone refers to it as something it is never called.

Odd, I found it to be smoother and quieter than the Tacoma or the Ranger. Behaves almost like a crossover on the freeway.