yah - that’s what i was trying to convey. Max had a tire blow (bad luck) while Lewis made a rare mistake. So I felt bad for Max as victim of bad luck more so than feeling bad for Lewis making a mistake.
yah - that’s what i was trying to convey. Max had a tire blow (bad luck) while Lewis made a rare mistake. So I felt bad for Max as victim of bad luck more so than feeling bad for Lewis making a mistake.
I was thinking red flag to freeze everything and then new tires for everybody (and lapped cars out of way). But I hadn’t considered a standing restart! I was thinking rolling still (still have CART/ChampCar wired into my brain). A standing start for the championship within 2-5 laps of racing left (depending when the…
Yah that Perez defense was just perfection. That’s textbook how to cleanly defend. He didn’t weave, he didn’t squeeze/run off the road. It was absolute madness that Lewis got on the radio saying “dirty driving”. He wasn’t being given a blue flag or anything.
If there was racing college, they’d teach kids that lap of…
I can’t recall his exact quote being interviewed before the podium ceremony, but he said something like “fighting is in his DNA” (about Max never giving up). It raised an eyebrow for sure :)
So much of his stuff is so overplayed that it can have a huge sameness to it. My picks if it helps get you over 3: Homegrown, Come on Baby Let’s Go Downtown, Good to See You, Downtown (w Pearl Jam), Alabama, and LA. That’s pretty much all of his stuff I have on spotify..in addition to Cowgirl :)
Getting the skinny version probably doesn’t happen, but I’d love if they could give an extended cut at some point. Assuming all the footage was mastered, this shouldn’t be too hard. Maybe more final day stuff?
Yup. Since I love vans, I usually get facebook friends sending me stories about how VW is making this. I have to always politely remind them VW has been saying they’re making a new van for 20+ years so I’m not exactly excited
yah - surprised that made it through.
plus, snakes. FUNK THAT
Yah, there’s a going to be a million “if only” moments. A tire blowout seemed more of a freak accident than contact (avoidable or not) or Lando’s rain gamble, for example. Hamilton’s brake magic thing I put mostly on himself/the team as a user error. Tire blowout, unless you’re really abusing them, seems random. I…
Same here...I’m a a few towns south of Solon and this has been making the rounds here. Definitely a tragic story.
Had Max’s tire not blown when he had that race easily in hand, it’d also be a really different situation.
that’s the problem. The chance they’re fighting Hamilton (and not being lapped) is going to be pretty slim. Maybe a 1-2 lap window around a pit stop.
This is great info! I always see those aerosol cans and wondered how well they work. Sounds like it could be a good way to go. I’ll definitely invest in some PPE, though.
I have an 84 Toyota Van that does NOT get driven in rain or snow anymore (NE Ohio), but it’s definitely rusty underneath. I wonder if this spray…
While Tomorrow Never Dies isn’t perfect, one of the really positive things about it is how brisk it is. One of the shortest run times of the whole series. Similar feelings on Quantum of Solace (though that was by product of WGA strike).
Do you DIY with a compressor and gun as well? Curious if I want to tackle this, do I need a compressor (or just that it would be way, way easier)
True...but I gotta think pushing too hard and hitting the wall *while also taking out Lewis* may have been part of the plan.....
ChampCar had an interesting approach back in the day: push to pass. You’d get 60 seconds of extra power allowed per race. Up to the driver on how/where/when to use it.
Yes, it can feel a bit gimmicky, but it also doesn’t create a DRS train.
#1 was so cut & dry. It baffles me why not being investigated or an official “noted” during the race. That was when it was still yellow VSC period so Bottas CLEARLY was backing Max up. If he had been given the correct 5s penalty there, things could have played out differently at the end. He’d have been further…
Yah, that is always interesting. While he may not have that much cash sitting in an account somewhere, I wonder if he can assign value from things on which he gets residuals? For example, he probably will get residuals (however small) from The Usual Suspects for many more years. Could they deem that worth $1m over the…