
Andy Denhart on is doing coverage. Interesting because he's been a reality show blogger (who happens to be openly gay) for years but never even watched the show until last season.
Needless to say, he was won over and is now a fan. He knows all the reality tropes yet is a latecomer to the show so

Yet I thought he showed the most personality I've seen from him. He was witty and down to get blown. (I mean what else can we ask for?)

No loss on TLo's lack of coverage - last season's was half-hearted at best.
Best case scenario - if a FugGirls rundown of the runway would happen. Heaven.

I got a Grindr alert for this?

Was looking for Huge and was very disappointed not to see it here.

What a cute, then seemingly frightening story.
I hope your friend's child isn't on Disqus!

Gena Rowlands in A Woman Under The Influence.

"I'm a doctor?  Then why the hell am I talking to you?  Piss off!"

"Violet Newstead - please hold.  Violet Newstead - please hold. Violet Newstead - please hold.  Hi, this is Violet."

Buffalo Bill FTW!

Check out  the link for your gif, Oliver!

Check out  the link for your gif, Oliver!

Starlight Express gave us a roller boogie-ing Jane Krakowski!

Why doesn't anyone understand that the "GILLY" sketch was a final fuck you to the audience from Kristin Wiig?  
People!  She knows everyone hates Gilly! She knows she already told everyone she was retiring Gilly!  She knows she's just about done on the show!  She basically told the audience to fuck off in the last

A great review, Carrie.  Glad you are enjoying it.

Miriam Shore is an amazing actress.  Yitzhak (Hedwig's "Husband") in Hedwig was an amazing role…so glad she figured out how to keep working.

Oh HELL NO!  Willam - whether that shit was planned or not - you have become the villam (get it?)l  You have supplied the MANY and MOST comments so far and they have been A+. 
Fools - imagine the season so far - without Willam…  The bitch is funny - leave her alone.
Cheers, thanks alot.

Hey Carrie - glad you have come around a bit on the show AND more importantly, glad the show has come around to meet you!  
Very much appreciate reading your critique, regardless of my personal view.
Let's cross our fingers and hope for a continuing upward climb in Ringerland…

I'm with you ravie - please check out my comment…