Ok I've poured through the comments but have yet to see a real discussion as to why Black Ops for the 360 is nominated instead of just Black Ops.
Ok I've poured through the comments but have yet to see a real discussion as to why Black Ops for the 360 is nominated instead of just Black Ops.
One of the greatest and most well known works of art concerning the Holocaust is a comic, Maus.
@bakana: I guess it really comes down to people's concepts of what is reich and wrong.
I do nazi how this is offensive.
@Zelyre: You got that meat cooking spot on. As for a sauce.....
@Legendary Armor: I don't play WoW, only for a month or so over the years. But I respect a game that can attract new fans this late into release. Enjoy!
@WhatPayne: I think to make the game you are describing it would have to be a top down strategy game as opposed to a fps or 3rd person shooter or stealth game.
@FrankenPC: I don't believe that AMC would shy away from depicting comic book Carl. The channel does some really raw stuff on Breaking Bad, stuff that makes a child shooting someone seem tame.
@FrankenPC: I agree. The moment that sold me entirely on the comic series was what Carl does at the end of book one.
@Purple Dave: It's not just the execs. It is just good basic storytelling 101. I don't see the writers as having to compromise at all by creating smaller arcs within the season.
@Dirk Anger: "Maaaake you own kind of music. Siiiing your own special soooong!"
@disatess: What exactly has been censored other than language? What moments are missing?
@PaddyDugan: Put on your shoes, cut your hair, get a job, and get off my lawn.
Total bananafest.
@DanTheMagnum: A beast created in Valinor that responds directly to Manwe. I, myself, would consider that a deity. Much in the same way that Gandalf would be considered a deity.
@TheolaRegulus: Thats was a factor as well. But at the core, the eagles would not assisst middle earth by taking the ring and disposing it, because the inhabitants of middle earth must solve this matter themeselves.
@wymarc101: Well they were created in Valinor and sent to Middle Earth to look after the Noldor.
@SUMR4WR: The ring was already destroyed. Saving the hobbits might have been interfering, but compared to winning the war in one fell swoop by dropping the ring in the lava, it was a small matter.
@tetracycloide: This. This. This 1000 times over. Looks like someone else enjoys the Silmarillion as much as I do.