Can this game be played without facebook connection?
Can this game be played without facebook connection?
@Zack1e: Right on brother! The repeating dungeon didn't bother me at all. It was actually nice to be able to nail a once difficult section in one fell swoop.
The Phantom Hourglass is one of my top 5 games of all time on any platform.
Really? You couldn't work this into the Blade Kitten article three posts down?
The longbow distanced a solider from the close quarter violence of a sword or spear.
This game looks RIDICULOUS! (waves wand)
Throw in Okami on the HD remake list too.
@Etheris: I have the same desk! Is that from IKEA?
@AoE: Whoops. Damn "right click on a misspelled word assuming the computer will correct it. "
I just can't get into a football game without an NFL silence.
@ubikblack: Yea, the price is pretty ridiculous, and was definitely a factor in getting me to buy the complete series.
@ubikblack: Oh I love Breaking Bad and Mad Men. But neither encourage the level of discussion outside the show that LOST did.
I am totally and completely depressed now that LOST is over. I have already pre-ordered the entire bluray collection, and was up until 3 last night on Lostpedia reading old episode synopsis.
Just hire this guy and throw him in the corner like the Toastee guy from MK.
@Foxhack: A little confused about the Deadpool thing. You do know that the phrase is based off a classic youtube video.
@wtf_G: Actually no one had it pegged at all.
The great part about Hurley is that he might have lived on for a couple thousand more years, and finally passed the mantle onto someone else.
@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: What's the grammatical mistake?