
dunno, Lucas seems like exactly the kind of square who would tell his kids to call cigarettes death sticks and to imply that cigarettes would be illegal on a civilized planet... Not that’s he’d be wrong, just THAT lame about it.

Nice to see someone upholding the standards of reasonable discourse.

What about “Gattaca”?

No, the war was not about states rights. Read the secession documents for each state. It will take you half and hour and each one is crystal clear- they did not try to hide behind anything, they straight out say they are seceding to secure slavery forever.

It’s not unknown. She’s American-born.

Lance54 has brought shame upon the houses of Lances 1-53.

Let me get this straight, she’s asking about potential treason regarding an administration spearheaded by a man who was caught on tape saying he likes to grab women by the pussy and “not even wait,” and your concern is that the person asking the questions is being rude?

That’s how you know he wasn’t talking to a white girl. I hope he’ll be called on to clarify that remark at the next presser.

Rifftrax did it and it was glorious.

I’d love to see a special edition lite version of the films. That would be perfect.

“It’s the start of a difficult period for NASA. January 28th marks the 14th anniversary of the Challenger disaster, which killed its seven-member crew. On February 1st, 1986, another seven astronauts died in the Columbia tragedy.”

Hayden Christiansen’s Force ghost doesn’t make a damn bit of sense, either, especially if you watch the films in release order (as you should.)

I suppose, but I don’t see it as a celebrating of the Empire falling so much as Palpatine and Vader dying. People cheered in the streets after Hitler died, too, but the war still went on for four more months.

But that’s just it. By ending on the Emperor dying and not showing celebrations on other worlds the only implication is that these people, on this moon, are celebrating their win and the destruction of the Death Star. There’s no implication whatsoever on what the state of the rest of the empire might be. Maybe it

Ah, OK. You had me worried! LOL

You need to fix your sarcasm detector. I even added a smiley.

I’m not sure whether this is really in the spirit of what you’re looking for in a fan edit, but there’s an edit called Star Wars Revisited you might want to check out:

“It is a period of civil war. Oh, and Darth Vader is Luke’s father, just in case you weren’t sure.”

I’m a lover not a fighter... or something. My biggest problem with the “special editions” is the re-insertion of Jabba into Star Wars (I was 9 when Star Wars came out in ‘77 so I still call it “Star Wars”). I know that was Lucas’ original plan, but because it didn’t work out and we only heard about Jabba in whispers

Many Bothans died to bring us these editions.