
And then there’s the other side of the argument that would’ve reared its head if Jyn and others survived: “If they all live, where are the emotional stakes? Where’s the risk factor? The writers played it safe.” And you know damn well that would be the debate fans would be having now if the movie went in that

Eh...gonna disagree, not in general, but specifically for this film. The one thing that this movie accomplished that the original trilogy did not (for me) was to make the Death Star really, truly, terrifying as a weapon of mass destruction.

And ironically, they did it by having it fire in a less powerful (non

Pfft. What they *should* have done is have everyone live, and then go back and digitally put them into Episodes IV-VI.

Yeah, a desperate struggle against an EMPIRE should always have happy endings and unrealistic casualty rates that are always off stage.

Bob the intern was parking the TIE fighter, and accidentally flew into the shot.

It’s Zuma, here in So California.

The action figure was called “Power Droid”, so maybe that’s all they were called originally.

Yeah, I’m going to be THAT guy. Why the fuck is this on Gizmodo?

Am I the only one who sees Mitt Romney riding in the first window?

Interesting and valid comment. nowadays I’d use the one that provide. But those weren’t around then.

Huh, didn’t notice that! But you’re right: earth textures are so easily available that there’s no excuse for this. On the other hand, I give anybody huge props for even finishing something of this magnitude (which probably explains the lazy use of the blue marble image, along with some of the dodgey matte work).

That’s what I mean. The makers are just throwing sci-fi catch-phrases at the wall in hopes that some stick, but it comes across as lazy writing to me. They’re basically making a WW2 movie in space, which can have its merits (Star Wars, anyone?), but feels a little dated these days. If I were making a space combat

I think my biggest problem is that it’s the year 2103. So...87 years from now and we’re operating at the “outer edge of the galaxy”?

Reminds me of those Wing Commander III & IV cut scenes on the PS One

Not tying to crap on this, but the short seems incredibly generic. Even the sci-fi setting rings hollow. Mind-controlling aliens? Yawn. We have space cruisers and can (presumably) travel to the “...edge of the galaxy,” but are in danger of running out of air  (re-breathers/scrubbers, anyone)? I know firsthand how much

Aaand... another one. A classic!

Well... maybe it should be! I mean, gonk droids shuffle around saying “gonk”, right?

So Wampas go around yelling “Wampa”? I don’t think this is canon.

jeebus, i remember mailing the proofs of purchase for that emperor figure. fun fact: we sent away for it, and never received it. so my mom called (or mailed? i don’t recall) to complain, and they ended up sending us TWO of them. so i had one to play with...and one that’s still sealed in plastic.

You mean this toy forces kids to use it for ninety hours a week on an unreasonable deadline, abandoning all relationships with family and friends?