
That’s where the real money is made!

(ba dum cha!)

One does not simply walk into a volcano.

And it’s fogelmatrix with the Dad Answer.

Argghh! You beat me to it!

I assumed that would be the entirety of the article.

Easy, Doctor Rendezvous. Not only did Buzz pioneer the space age, he gave a speech at the STEM event I was volunteering at.

Yes, learn how to grasp a gun. What could possibly go wrong?

Spider-Man 2 deleted scene after Peter’s “Spider-Man No More” and J Jonah gets his hands on the suit.
Part of Sam Raimi’s genius and also his downfall with the property. point, exactly.

We also required people to register cars and get training before driving them... which is about the extent of gun control most people want.


Admiral Ackbar approves this post

The third problem is the new makeup is bad. Ugly, and not in the way the Emperor used to be ugly. In the original he was old, shriveled, and evil. In the prequels he’s bloated and weird. Again, advances in technology got away from something simpler and gave us something worse.

Yes, we all know it is. We also know that we’re only the third most intelligent species on this planet. We hold true to the fact that the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is 42.

I agree.
I think the long tease worked better with the Emperor and Jabba being characters either only seen in shadows or entirely off screen. An improvement would have been degrading the video to the point where you really can’t make out his face.

I totally agree with you on Empire with Palpatine’s holo they are on the outside of an asteroid field and the added lines ruins the reveal between luke and vader. as for the rest of the add ins some are good like the fixes to the battles for me are welcomed but the addition of Bobba Fetts voice always bothered me. I

And now we get sequels and various other tie-ins that show the war obviously wasn’t over.

The mice disagree.