
This. The Emperor is supposed to be a viciously scary dude, seeing so little of him in the original contributed greatly to this, kinda gave this “dude is in some scary-ass lair somewhere” feel to the scene. Here you think he probably just came out of a makeup chair and is ready for his close up Mr. DeLucas...

Thanks for the analysis. It’s been a really long time sense I’ve seen the special editions, so I couldn’t remember exactly what rubbed me the wrong way about this scene. Great points.

Maybe he means like with a hack saw or something.

McDormands makeup in the sequels and this scene are terrible. Especially when his hood is down. I don’t know why they couldn’t match it to the original. Did they ever explain why he became so disfigured? Was it just is force lightning?

James, you’re high if you don’t think the new Wampa scene is superior. It’s infinitely more tense to be able to figure out how close the Wamps is to Luke.

I’d like to get a bit more specific: Poorly done CGI that fails to strengthen the story.

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The obsession with explaining why things happened or how characters evolved.


“What happens when you take a line drawing into three dimensions?”

But... Steampunk/Victorian Batman was already done when Gotham By Gaslight was written, and it was amazing.

When grandma unfroze, the carnage began.

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Yep, this happens really fast; don’t blink.

No spork? Pass.

If it was 4k they'd be screaming it from the mountaintops. No, it's just 1080p.

Technical question: what kind of "Digital HD" 1080p? 4k?

Original theatrical release Ep 4-6? Or Lucas-ified?

No mention of all the people that tried to replicate the circumstances of Wowbagger the Inifinitely Prolonged's immortality?

Interesting bit: The radio drama (written by Brian Daley) has Han not meeting Jabba but rather one of his front men. Mostly the same but a bit where the guy notes Imperials are all over the place, suggests "more money to be had" that way and Han angrily snaps "selling people out to the Empire ain't our style," showing