Now playing

I work on the Medicare/Medicaid side of healthcare (Doing data analytics, so everything from individual patient histories and condition trends to financials), and the trends are pretty distressing.

I always find the excuse "But everyone is walking around with a camera anyway." to be ridiculous as it is in no way at all comparable to someone having a camera pointed at my face all the time. Which is what happens if you're interacting with someone wearing GG.

> Invents method of traveling instantaneously across hundreds of lightyears.

If only Gene Roddenberry was alive to see this.

You forgot one:

How is there no Wedge Antilles in this list?


Passing the Turing test =proof we have invented artificial stupidity.

That's what this upcoming round of reliability tests aim to find out.

I like you. If only cause you're honest about being a dick. We can be friends. Or not. Cause fuck you. : )

I'm an adult now. I decide what that means. If I want to read YA fiction, or eat ice-cream for dinner, or make my apartment a ball pit, I can, and no one can stop me.

Never mind that shit- here comes Mongo!

After seeing Seth McFarlane fiasco of a Western Comedy last week, I had to watch Blazing Saddles again to remind me how a Western Comedy is done right.

You may have exactly ONE Hell Yeah.

Hell yeah!

THIS explains Vertigo: