
Well, that covers a lot of ground. Say, you cover a lot of ground yourself. You better beat it - I hear they're going to tear you down and put up an office building where you're standing. You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a

Hooray for Captain Spaulding!

It's the purrfect storm!

Yes, rapid burial can only happen in a global flood. No local flood, mudslide, rockslide, earthquake, quicksand, cave-in, or any other lesser disaster could possibly do it.

Exactly. I accept your apology.

Now playing

This is showing my age, but for years, this was the sound of the Internet to me:

That beautiful dial-up modem sound. The hiss of the fuzz, the screech of the connection, the weirdly boinga-boinga noise towards the end. Exquisite.

"Europeans are genetically predisposed to "nonviolence..."

They put a lot more work into the astronaut than I would've thought necessary.

That little dude made me SO HAPPY, GUYS.

I was referring to the estimated 10,000 Allied casualties and 2,500 KIAs on D-Day but yeah, you want to be a smarmy little prick about the sacrifices made by our American veterans, knock yourself out.

Wait to be swallowed.

Three millennia of baking hasn't produced a live unicorn, either, because that outcome is impossible and was never the goal of baking. Likewise, philosophy does not seek "consensus answers," and no such answers are possible on the issues you list. Like NdGT, you're making a category mistake which reinforces

Final Wars is goofy, but it has ALL the kaiju. My personal favorite moment - Zilla, aka the mutated iguana from the American Godzilla - attacks Sydney. When the real Godzilla shows up, Zilla, rendered totally in CGI, gets his ass kicked in less than a minute by the traditional man-in-a-suit Godzilla. One of the aliens