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Whatever they do with Flash, if he's at least this awesome, I'll watch it every week.

Except based on Affleck's suit, he's not "Pure West."

People on the street keep yelling, "Hey Daredevil!" It just makes him sad.

Adam West was a real man. No body armor for him.

Man, I hope he will have those funky white eyebrow-things.

Nope, he just ran over Robin. *Sighs Heavily* "Time to find a new sidekick. Alfred, get the hose."

Here's your pronunciation guide, smart guy:

I guess our childhood will have to end, first.

I pictured you dramatically ripping your glasses off as you said this.

Alternative slogan: Fiat, the car even Godzilla couldn't stomach.

I think the message that I get from this is that the Fiat and everything about it's image is simply too hard to swallow

First the Quicksilver commercial and now this? Can't we have a movie that doesn't have ridiculous cross promotions for once?

First time I have ever seen people eaten alive in a car commercial.

My favorite part is when the chyron says"Didn't actually happen" just as Godzilla hacks up the tiny car. Apparently legal was concerned someone would try and drive their Fiat filled with carefully calculated diverse friends into Godzilla's gaping maw and then sue when he didn't harmlessly deposit them back on the road.

I was not aware that Mystique knows Gymkata, the deadliest martial art on the planet as long as there is a pommel horse laying around.

Facebook Is Dead

I don't use Facebook much anymore, because anyone with a brain knows that Facebook is terrible. Apart from the

I'll wager they cancel the new 24 season that's about to start after only 12 episodes. :P

When I first saw that the show was cancelled I was disappointed. Then I realized that, while I like the show, I haven't watched any new episodes since around episode 5 because there's just so many more enjoyable shows out there to watch.