
People who think that religion is incompatible with extraterrestial life are idiots.

The Under Armor R&D team needs to fire this guy.

So they're less likely to be eaten by predators. They form a big group in which a single fish is less likely to be picked out as opposed to all of them just swimming solo basically. (If i recall correctly..)

Hey guys, this isn't fun anymore, let me in!!

P.S. I can't tell if this is a different species of fish or not, it looks similar enough...

Defensive mechanism against predators, like sharks.

Why do they do this?

"In a if this school of fish surrounds you, your skin will melt, your flesh will be eaten raw and your bones will be cleaned dry kind of way. Real tornadoes are probably still scarier but fish tornadoes look like the sentient arm of some sick underworld cartoon monster."

... And how many of those people can't distinguish between "astronomy" and "astrology?" This seems like a linguistic issue more than anything. Yes, it's embarrassing, but most people can't even get their/they're/there down, and those are much more quotidian words.

I wonder how many of these people confused "astrology" with "astronomy".

because of the hulk. no.

Episode X: The Imperious Subjugations of the Superluminal Engagements.

Just look at him lounged-out there, like he thinks he's Burt Reynolds or something. It's like some bright spark decided to cross-breed Scrappy Doo with Garfield, then stuff the result full of tapioca pudding. I'm not sure it's scientifically possible to be more annoying than Snarf.

A challenger appears:


NO THANK YOU. Lebowski Fests will be fine without a sequel. Plus we just lost Brandt and Jackie Treehorn 366 days apart, so a true sequel is out anyway.

SPACED, by Simon Pegg and Jessica Stevenson.

It's a parody of all the things we loved while growing up and at the same time being one of those very TV shows AND about the pains of arrested development among the disappointment of our parents, the shallowness of super science/costumed adventurer/super villainy, which essentially are fandoms and the overall

FAQ About Time Travel.