
Robots really shouldn't burn this long...

"I'm sure this'll be a Hoth-ticket item around the holidays...wampa wampa wampa!"

Naftah, Southern Tunisia. Star Wars shooting place.

Bah. That one was lame. "The Invisible Monster" trumped it.

Pierrot le fue is definitely one of my all time favorite episodes of cowboy bebop. There is some great talk between jet and spike on this episode and then end is soooo powerful for me. The way the exposition of pierrot's back story changes the way you see him entirely. I cry on most rewatchings. There is something

Now playing

Traltiix from Farscape. One of the funniest episodes ever. It turned the crew of the Moya against itself in the funniest way possible. The episode is called "Crackers Don't Matter."

I'm not even going to ask what you're doing out here in your matching pajamas...

I've never seen so many electric jellyfish in all my life!

No, hold on. This isn't some species that was obliterated by deforestation, or the building of a dam... uh, ah, Mammoths had their shot, and nature selected them for extinction.

Do not lay down in the CO2 gas. Dry ice is not H2O. That is not O2 being released it CO2 which displaces O2. He could have actually passed out from being down there.

This question has been asked and answered in the film Jurassic Park. I refer you there for my response.

7) The Sword of Omens was the most ridiculous deus ex machina in all of fiction.

'Nuff said

He's a madman with an evil mind, but I'd like to see what would happen if Dr. Shrinker made everyone on the planet small.

Why on Earth is it area rather than per capita?

If you were hoping to find subtle, understated characterizations in Doctor Who, you may be barking up the wrong fandom.

Quite appropiate that Grand Moff Tarkin is here...