
I'd hate to see the shit hit that fan.

A lidless, fiery eye you say?

My mind goes a bit numb anytime I reflect on the fact that when I look up I am peering into the very distant past. Even the closest star in the sky is 4.3 years younger than the light we view. For all we know half of what we see in the sky could be gone right now.

You misspelled "prolly".

Buckaroo Banzai!

Ahem. Can't believe this isn't up yet.

Now playing

Better get in and call dibs on The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy.

Big Trouble in Little China

"Sideways Winky Face" had me on the floor

I know what you mean, F is much more precise than C. To be honest I understand C, and I know what it means, but I do prefer F even though I've grown up with C. When I look at the temperature in a friend's pool, what do I like to see? 80F, that's what. But seriously, my dad's generation made the switch, and it takes

Post Verbicide, only six words remained.

I, Robot is one of those movies I should hate, but every time I watch it there's a nod to Asimov hiding somewhere, so I can forgive its many flaws.

I don't think it's even a competition. It's Jeremy Brett all the way For any portrayal of Holmes. I would have died happy and young if they could have ever gotten him on TNG as Holmes in a holodeck episode.