Cool story, bro. - Tucker Max
Cool story, bro. - Tucker Max
So is this supposed to be Tucker's Max? From all the pompous chatter, I expected it'd be longer.
Josh McCown: One minute we were on the field practicing, the next minute we were in the shower, holding hands. This is certainly unexpected.
This is dumb. I immediately (or actually, too late to edit) regret this.
I dunno, I think this one is legit:…
Pranks like this aren't funny and I'm glad he's in jail. Funny pranks are those with no victim, like, for example, stealing sports memorabilia from a restaurant and using that to further your shitty career.
Don't worry. Your national title is still safe.
It's not that surprising. When it comes to their salaries and your wombs, Republicans are generally pro-labor.
You should have said "NO" to posting this comment.
Interestingly enough, The Diary of Lawrence Frank is also about being locked up in an attic.
Not pictured: Any evidence that this is a guy.
Steelers fans will all agree that their greatest nemesis has always been the Browns.
I didn't bother to check the score, but is it possible the refs on the game just needed an excuse to cover the spread, like in the real NBA?
If only a good guy with a gun had been there.
Oh Bleacher report, your attention to detail is floorless.
There's no way for anyone to interfere. We'll poll readers, with the results being secret; the voter(s) will cast the vote(s); the Hall will announce its results, and we'll then reveal who voted on behalf of Deadspin. At that point, the Hall will have to either acquiesce to the will of the people or retroactively…
"A Skeet from JEET"-John Sterling