"Boy is my face red" -Rick Reilly
"Boy is my face red" -Rick Reilly
I don't know, it's a family member, he probably has reservations about that
Ken Tarr called me a short while later and asked what he would have to do to get a job at Deadspin.
I thought Sam Champion had the best reporter's name until now.
Even so, Ditka would have punted and let his defense make up the points.
Just 12 games for eye gouging? I'm surprised he didn't get moe.
Right. I mean, why should a guy who's personally brought in millions of dollars in revenue be permitted to retain the remainder of his roughly $20,000 resident scholarship? That mooch.
Quick Ed note: When the lawyer arrived at the bar, Carson turned to Ed and said "Ed? We're done here, right?" And Ed left right away. God, that's perfect.
I don't know why people seem to be gloating about this. Someone could have very easily been seriously injured.
to add more confusion, Dr. Chao has ruled death by natural causes.
He may be 64, but if we know one thing about Dusty Baker, it's that he'll keep himself in the game for far too long
I hate to see someone lose their job, but anyone who consistently batted Zack Cozart (.665 OPS, 26 BB's in 618 PAs, 18 GDP) second in lineup had a death wish.
Has Goodell fined him yet?
This is the "clean" Tour de France where they actually stringently test and enforce drug rules.
Plenty of college freshmen—and high school students—in the United States see The Laramie Project without shouting the cast down for being fags. Most, even.
Still doesn't make up for "The" ohio state university.
*DISCLAIMER*: My wife just took our awesome cat to be put down and these videos are making me bawl at my work desk.
I don't understand.
Wow, I really didn't foresee this when they created the new 2013 rule allowing players to switch teams. This sort of thing never happened before.
God I hate the Yankees!!! And I wish I didn't have these terrible allergies and my eyes weren't watering so terribly while I watch this.......
This is great; good for her. I'm reminded of the 2003 Berlin marathon, where Paul Tergat's rabbit, Sammy Korir, took him through the halfway mark under world-record time, but instead of dropping out there (which was the plan), Korir kept running. Tergat ended up winning (2:04:55), Korir came in second (2:04:56), and…