
This reminds me of the last time I played Tumbledown Trails, which, coincidentally, was last 9/11. I was out there with my buddy Marty on the 7th hole, and he's got this 30 foot putt which stops like three inches short. He's walking up to mark it and I'm getting ready to make my putt when all of a sudden he shouts

All the idiot needed to do was change one word:

I agree. People shouldn't report news that isn't happy.

Yup. Just thought I'd put it at the head of my comment rather than paragraph three. Figured it might help balance out the effect of this article's headline and your use of the term "hater." But never in the world did I think anyone would pay attention. So... thanks!

But, you said he know what? Screw it.

Because he coaches the Redskins.

Al Michaels' Spanish is getting really good.

What a great way to celebrate the drafting of three Québécois players.

He has a helmet covering his eyes, he's disoriented and he STILL manages not to run into the ass of any of his offensive linemen.

Wake up in the morning feelin' like Rick Stanzi,

Baby Got BAC

Keith Olbermann: [reads Deadspin story]

"No matter what browser/device I use, it looks all fucked up."

Ironman 70.3 is the biggest marketing nonsense ever. It's a Half-IM. That's what it's always been called and should always be called.


After Google searching "hot Italian woman + Asian man + cupping two balls," this is pretty much what I deserve for having such a specific kink, huh?

Wow. When you put it that way, it's hard not to imagine how much better those numbers would look if the league never integrated.

It really doesn't matter if the Japanese hits count or not, because unlike Pete Rose, Ichiro will be in the Hall of Fame.

Does anyone know a website I might visit in order to fund a class on teaching this fellow the very beginnings of karate?

Injecting race into it in the first place might have helped.