Fog Bound

How well I remember my life as a church lady when my daughter went through an Anglican phase. One season it would be making pine cone angels for the advent bazaar, then weaving palm crosses for Easter. I never really got in to arranging possible meat product to look like a stranger’s vagina.

I had to do that, too. I'd been there a couple of years longer than my new boss - but she insisted on keeping her name. I changed mine to HRH.

I can't even read this shit anymore.

When I was in Junior High (grades 8-10), there was a lot of talk about Mr. Extremely Handsome, Extremely Short “dating” one of my school mates. She would have been 13 or 14. She was about the only female child in the school who was shorter than he was. It turns out it was true, that her parents approved and welcomed

Maybe it was his original plan to be a divinity student.

My son has been studying in NYC for about six years and wishing the American election cycle was as short as it is here. All his patients want to talk about is Donald Bloody Trump.

Have they not heard of “Toronto the Good”?

It’s true that he lacks the gravitas and charisma of his father, and he isn’t anywhere near being as brilliant or as well educated. I was a confirmed Trudeaumaniac in high school, when he was campaigning and I doubt anyone could ever match Pierre. I cried all the way through his funeral except when Justin gave his

Thank you. It seems slightly unreal now, seeing the young man he has turned out to be. I couldn’t be more proud.

This is my favourite Pride picture. He looks so nonchalant.

Chrétien’s weird face and mouth were caused by Bell’s Palsy. His face was partially paralyzed in his youth.

Blackadder. Always.

My son got mixed up in one of these “churches” when he was a kid and his best friends’ families were members. It lasted till his first year of university, and there were times we could barely talk to each other - me being a lifelong atheist and rejecting the notion of sin, hell, salvation and whatnot - out of hand.

His assistant helped him kick his cocaine addiction. He said she saved his life.

For all the accolades following Lennon’s death, I don’t remember a single one saying he was a good or a nice man. Yoko, maybe.

I grew up in Victoria and thought Jews must be very rare indeed. I’d read lots of books and my step father had provided me with the classical bigot’s education on the subject - but it wasn’t until second year university that I met a Jew.

The #2 thing that leads to kidnapping is getting an email like this.

I wonder if someone could chip in to see that this child gets vaccinated.

Parents like these are the #1 reason kids run away from home and/or turn out to be Jerks, with a capital J.

I was still besotted with John Lennon when I screamed at him at a Beatles concert in the mid-60s. Happily, he didn’t hear me, because it turns out we would have been totally incompatible and I should have been screaming at George.