You don't fucking rank to ask about Shelly

I love that feeling of preening superiority when I criticise someone else’s grammar usage. Isn’t it great? Aww man, so good. It’s like relaxing in a warm bath of smug bubbles. Smubbles. Mmmmmm.

I’m not with these other guys..

I shouldn’t find that as funny as I do. Like this one:

And all I got was this stupid marriage license.

In the poll, you should have a “yes, she’s awful but I wish she was bitchier” option.

“The sustainability of the regime.”

Oh FFS. I live on the Isle Wight (off the south coast of the UK). It has a population of about 220,000 and is incredibly white and pretty conservative. Also kind of insular - there are people that go over to the mainland maybe once a year if that. Nonetheless our MP with the backing of the vast majority of the island

hahaha, I’m laughing because I’m picturing my grandmother taking a sharp breath in disapproval. She used to get so peeved with us for picking on or not being respectful of the royal family when we were kids. Especially our insistence that the king looked like a duck. I mean...he does, though

“Put that in your pumpkin spice latte.”

Those folks can get preferential seating if they can first get a camel through the eye of a needle.

Cavuto: I think you’re a communist.

I’m kinda partial to the one I have on my car. ;o)

Honestly... that looks like something you would buy at a craft fair for like $ 250.00 because it is unique and you have been drinking wine in the sun all day.


He was on his period. Everybody knows that the only human beings that make stupid mistakes are women in their periods. Men are perfect even when drunk therefore this cardholder was a woman with blood coming out of her whatever.

It has never been entirely clear where that purported footage was shot...

I sign my final divorce papers on Friday. We used a mediator and it cost us $2,500, and then $1,000 for the attorney to file and go to court with us. $1,750 apiece feels pretty cheap to me. PLUS I AM FINALLY FREE!

“65 dollars a pop” + “Not prohibitively expensive” =

Maybe instead of paying various charletans, you could use some kind of baby carrier to put your kid’s weight more on your back than on your arm.