it is. and she doesn’t.
it is. and she doesn’t.
And if we MUST? Let it be LITERALLY ANYONE BUT Anne Hathaway.
omg same
goddamn but she is just my favorite ever.
ugh, cloudberries are so nasty. taste like grandma’s basement.
These people are completely fascinating. I would put money on Miscavige sending persuasion squads of some kind out to known members of the academy.
One thing not mentioned here from the NYT article is that the author started telling her children what she was doing on her phone, in order to make the fact that she was looking at it frequently less mysterious to them. Young children don’t understand what a phone (weird that we still call it that, no?) is and can do,…
“Being right and being alone is a challenging existence.”
did I ever tell you you’re my hero
pretty sure they don’t keep the buffet in the VIP room.
omg same. i have coronation teacups.
Um, this exists already. I used some online service or other in 2011 for my big gay divorce and it cost about $150. What this doesn’t tell you is the legal fees you still have to pay the county of record. Even though my marriage was no longer legal here in California, I still had to pay to get divorced.
I merely glanced at the header photo for this week’s Madness and my first thought was that Kylie had been Destroyed By Family. I thought, “Seems legit.”
not touching this topic with a ten-foot pole but FFS:
a) This was extremely entertaining, especially for an SF-expat now living in the rapidly-gentrifying Oakland. I have got to get out of California. Airbnb is such a fucking disaster.
I swear to glob Kanye’s whole line this season was inspired by A Handmaid’s Tale.
I wish Sam Smith would grow the fuck up and stop whining about his fee-fees. I heard he was going to sing the title song on the next Bond film and nearly threw my phone across the room.
omg same
my father, who has given me very little in the way of good advice, once told me this: if you are ever with a man who puts his hand on the back of your neck while you’re out together, run. don’t look back. run like hell.
my mother (born in the 40s) used to say this phrase and i honestly thought she had made it up because i’d never seen it anywhere else until this very moment. the way she said it always made it clear to me that she understood very clearly her position of relative privilege compared to other people.