Also, Shaq-Fu? Eh?! I nearly choked on my coffee when I read that one.
Also, Shaq-Fu? Eh?! I nearly choked on my coffee when I read that one.
From seeing him treat someone else as a human being I guess.
Unfortunately, as my friend’s cat proved while I was recently house/cat sitting, they tend to vomit all over the place before they learn anything.
That line got an audible and involuntary “buh?!” out of me. It’s one of those annoying things that I had to think about because what the hell does that mean but didn’t want to think about because to hell with that guy.
That’s the kind of thought process I’d need to keep up a running habit. Logically, I know no one gives a single shit how I look doing it but, emotionally, I feel like I surely must frighten women and children.
Personally, I’d suggest starting with 1 if you think you’re going to play through the series. You won’t be lost by any means but I think you’ll appreciate it more if you come back to it after playing the rest. All that said, if you only play one Yakuza game I think it should be 0.
Jesus, it’s like a commercial in Robocop. Try and convince me that I’m not dying and that this farcical reality isn’t the product of my failing, misfiring brain.
Sounds like it might be my way of getting back into the series. I completely missed Origins and only played a bit of Unity and AC: Old Blighty. Ancient Greece could be a lot of fun.
Handsome and tragically flawed Robotnik (who loses his girlfriend to Sonic, naturally)?
I’m such a chump. Normally, I kind of dislike trailers like this. Whether it’s vague like the one above or full of cutscenes that tell you nothing about the game, they annoy me in some way...except when it’s Fallout. Vault suit, sci-fi elements, anachronistic song = instant interest. Hell, the suit on its own would…
Filed to: Oh Japan!
“Sweet Lucifer’s giant swinging dick! That is some good penis physics simulation.”
It hits close enough to home for me. The little dorks are certainly brave when it comes to stealing fries.
Hip To Be Square by Huey Lewis and the News
Track down that guy who seems to have written an amazing profanity filter for his text to speech Twitch bot.
But you can’t! Who is going to keep us abreast of breasts and sundry naughtiness in video games?
If you’re going to encourage your kid in their “creative” endeavors, why not encourage them to be creative? *sigh* I dunno...I guess I feel like if it were my kid I would try to encourage them in a way where they won’t be horribly embarrassed by what they did in their youth. Because I’m just enough of an asshole to…
The only other thing I could ask for are the updates to the photo booth. Be a pal, Sega. The timing prompts are too handy.
Not specifically with replies but I get some kind of weird hangups on Kotaku and other Kinja Enhanced™ sites when I don’t interact with an open tab for a while.