
I don’t know about other stuff she’s doing but I’m definitely on board with the alternate universe Sarah Conner homemaker vibe she’s got going on in that picture. Training her kid to lead a future rebellion while making time to debone and roast a chicken.

Fighting games are like soccer and basketball for me. 90% of the time, I don’t care all that much. Stuff like that flash kick are the 10% I do. The ability to read the situation and then pull off what he needed to is awesome.

Whoa. Yesterday afternoon, I randomly searched to see if any plans to remaster or remake them had been announced and all I found was an interview where the producer stated there was a possibility if there was demand. And now this today? That is awesome news. Hopefully they’ll do a slick collection once they’re all

I think Gita has the right idea. Personally speaking, a friend of mine had been recommending the Negima manga for at least a couple years. Not constantly but just every now and again. One day I finally decided to give it a shot and I enjoyed it. Sometimes all you can really do is make the recommendation and hope they

She didn’t need to pull a gun on a dude trying to take a shit just to prove that she’s an insufferable piece of garbage. Her Instagram profile does a perfectly adequate job of letting people know that.

I can eat okra most any way but boiled. I picked up my love for cooking from my dad and while we’ve got similar tastes I will never understand his predilection for boiled okra. He’s a good cook so it always smells nice which convinces to give it one more try just to see. My impression of it hasn’t changed. Texture

That is way catchier than a K-Pop and Country collision has any right to be.

It would be interesting to talk about Daikatana and Ion Storm with Romero but at this point I imagine it’s so well tread that he wouldn’t care one bit for rehashing it. Plus it’d be kind of a waste, considering how long he’s be in the industry. I do wish it had worked out for them. Anachronox was fun and the other Ion

It looks like they used a reference image that somehow went through the wash or was dictated to them over the phone. I wonder how far the decision got before someone decided to cheap out on production?

Google’s super AI has calculated the optimal time for the most effective dissemination of memes and is now generating content for some (surely) nefarious purpose...probably to turn tadpoles and elderly men gay through it’s snake oil protein drink mix.

I wonder if it isn’t a reference to Mulholland least I believe that’s the road I’m thinking of. Whatever the road name is, isn’t there a stretch of curvy road north of LA that’s famous for collecting lots of bad and/or unwary drivers and bikers?

Now playing

Hilariously, I was queuing up a few tabs of stuff I wanted to watch or read(such as this article) when I noticed this video in my youtube feed.

I was assuming that a squeeze bottle might let too much out but if you’re vouching for it then it might be the way to go.

Nerd. A nerd in fine company as I’m sure I’m not the only one who gets it but still a nerd. Sometimes there’s a cheeky update in the notes but usually it’s something boring and minor, to me anyway. However, as someone who will sometimes go weeks without turning his console on, I often have an initial “Motherfu- you

I’ll have to try the raw egg in rice method. That sounds interesting

I like the idea of adding the egg in first. Basically I do everything else first in the pan, push the rice and veg over to the side of the pan, pour the egg in, turn off the heat and let it cook just enough to come together before I start mixing it in. Though my question is, are you using leftover rice straight out of

I know that if I could choose between the two, I’d much rather talk to Carmack. Want to talk about rockets? Video games? VR? Make fun of Daikatana? Carmack is your guy.

Hey there are at least three of us. Although I honestly can’t remember a single thing that happened in it. Dare I revisit something I haven’t read since I was in my early teens?

I’ll always have a soft spot for 2NE1 and especially this song. The girl I was dating at the time loved it. Sometimes complaining about work would take the form of the chorus and sometimes she’d just tease me by singing it.

That was a fantastic read, thanks. Glad to hear that your son had a fun time. He seems like a good and articulate kid. The added commentary got me chuckling a couple of times. I wonder what he planned to ask in the interview.